Question 45:
“What for you is the most accurate description for the ego? Is it ‘selfishness and egoism’? ‘Self importance’? ‘Identification with (a wrong or limited identity)’? Something else?”
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  1. All we posses is AMMAs blessings or gift except our ego. Ego is the feeling of ” I “. It reflects in our action. Most of time we are not knowing it.
    Ego is our own creation. It is our enemy. In a Desireless state there will be no ego. This is not easy to attain and not possible at first for me. If threre is true bhakti and devotion and love We can practice to reduce our desires so the ego also. Spritual desire with samarpanam has less or no ego. May AMMA bless to control our thoughts, words and actions and to present these in a egoless way.Thus we can overcome anger, jelousy etc and to have humility always. AMMA only can help us and our sincere pray and effort will definetly help us to attain our aim to reach AMMAs LOTUS FEET one day or other in this life.

  2. Ego is a phase when we are unaware of our Innerself. The description of ego is when we are affected by praises, abuses, sadness, happiness it means our mind rules us.

  3. Ego according to me would be giving unneccessary importance to oneself, and thinking oneself to be the centre of universe!

  4. “i am doing so much for God. i am offering prayers. i am donating so much money to temples. i do my pooja daily. still God doesnt answer my prayers. does God really exist?”
    according to me, this is the ego at its worst. because it seems as if we are doing a great favour on God by worshipping HIM !. and this is the height of egoism.

  5. I think following can be considered GOOD Definitions
    Ego -A Phenomenon which forces us to forget our REAL SWAROOPA [ Nature].
    Ego – Creator of desires.

  6. Ego as little i know , i think is the feeling that ” I am something/some quality”
    It may be good or bad. Ego of “I am son of AMMA” will do good :).. As amma tells, Ego of “I am something that is non-eternal” will bring unhappiness…

  7. The meaning seems to change with culture. When the word ego is translated as a meaning of ahankar, then it has a limited meaning and often that is all that is meant – self important or self centred. It could mean any act that is not spontaneous but is processed by the mind or memory. Sometimes it means any thoughts – good or bad – related to I or you. If only someone could break down the word clearly into many meanings. Like an aunt in India has so many words to specify. If Amma could specify the separate words for ego, it would help so much.

  8. Ego is dogged and blind attachement to the body and spirituality is that teaches to extricate the ego or body centric attachments and desires …

  9. To me, the ego is identification with a limited I, and also laziness and something else I can’t put a name on.

  10. Ha!, I laugh at myself. You are asking the thief to describe the thief for the police.
    Keep a close watch on the mind! It is a clever liar that stops you from being aware of your true nature, the Self.”—Amma

  11. Until I met Amma and started questioning about Amma’s selfless service and compassion, I saw no ego in me, but in everyone else. I saw everything wrong with others except me, thus my ego made me very blind. I’ve realized it is me who needs to change and become Amma’s true devotee by identifying myself to Her all pervasive nature instead of my ego. Amma give me strength and understanding to liberate myself from the clutches of the ego!

  12. The ‘ego’ is the part of us which says ‘I am’. I do believe it is identification with identity and perhaps much more. I believe the ego must be present as a part of our survival mechanism. However, it must not control us. We should practice and learn from Amma how to control it and reduce it (as much as possible). This way we will not harm to ourselves and other through selfish actions.

  13. Ego is everything I know and understand. Drop this completely and I am face to face with the true Self.

  14. My ego is “I” and is wrong-mindedness. It is what i made, rather than the divnity that is truly absolute. It continiously judges self and others as too much or not enough. All i have ever known and all that i have every perceived is ego. I have experienced small levels of increase in what i call consciousness, but becasue it is based on perception, all is ego. I do not know who i am, and i do not know who others are, and i do not know who Amma is. My ego is tryranical and has authority problems.

  15. to my ego understanding is part of functioning in this life , however it can have two sides to the face one is good one is bad depends how You wish to be either be controlled by it or You take charge , Ego can be good as part of life in order to sustain physical body one needs it, just don’t let be tricked by its feeling unimportant unloved uncared for hmm the list goes on i love the Ego the good one :)))

  16. Identifying oneself with one’s body is EGO…..

  17. small “i” is the ego. very power it is to make us forget the big “I” the Self or Amma. it is like a ghost which has taken control over the jivatma and can be exorcised by AMMA.

  18. EGO…That uggly feeling of being worth nothing? Being a piece of shit. Or the feeling we are better than others. The best, the cleverst and all other shit our poor fellows. It moves between this extremes in my egoistich view. But Mother of Bliss melts the icecold EGO into warm loving healing waters to bath in.

  19. According to me Ego is all about sense of self which has endless componenets; related to ones personality, character, possession, fame, relation, esteem, desire, confidence, respect, admiration, image, appreciation ….. etc. …. etc… and I presume that one who describes about anything in the external world is of egocentric.
    One who realize the Self or merged in the Supreme Consciousness cannot describe anything. They just walk …. like our Amma.

  20. The ego, I believe, is a point of reference, a complex of ideas based on the identification with our body, our thoughts and feelings. If completely identified with the small “i” or ego and forgetting our real Self by turning our attention to external things, we are bound by it. To loose identification with the small “i”, we regain consciousness of our real Self. At this point we can melt with Amma and are one with Her and All in God.

  21. Ego it is saying out of ignorence, a limited identity with the body, by forgetting that power which makes to identify.

  22. I think ego is the ‘I’ness. When everything is ‘me me me’. It’s when you are fulll of yourself and think about only you. You think of nothing but yourself. For example, bragging about your powers and others.

  23. EGO to me is the selfishness of mankind.the feeling that iam superior to all is ego.ego destroys the atmosphere in the world.ego leads one away from the path of god realisation….

  24. i like the description go swami gives.
    he says the ego is a self imposed construction that enables us to *descend*, through rightous handling we can have a sense of mass,time, we have direction and a standing point we can refer to.
    this and no more is the ego unless it is cultivated to become your sole identity, don’t reject it, accept it, dont be controlled but learn to hold the reins!

  25. Maybe the ego is the one who wants to be loved because he thinks he is different from love.

  26. ego is considering yourself instead of the Self.
    when you consider yourself, you are something separate in a scary world of differences. when you consider the Self, those differences are resolved, because every “thing” is actually the indivisible Self in disguise.
    compassion is just the Self tending to itself.
    wisdom is just the Self knowing itself.
    love is just the Self recognizing itself.
    truth is just the Self being itself.

  27. Actually Ego doesn’t mean pride. The thought ‘I’ am the doer is the Ego. It is the sense of individuality or the notion of doership. Some are proud, some not, but all have the notion of doership. The mind, intellect and memory (Chittam) keeps changing, but the ego is there with every thought. It owns them, as I ‘doubt’,’I decide’, ‘I remember’ ‘my anger’ ‘my idea ‘ etc.

  28. Ego is our own creation.Ego destroys the atmosphere in the surroundings
    Ego is everything which rules the person .We are under Amma’s guidence,with out ego to do selfless service.

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