Amma’s Mantra helps

Amma’s Mantra helps the Parliament member in her decision making.

The former Cultural Minister of Finland, now a Parliament Member, Mrs. Tanja Saarela tells in the Finnish Evening Paper ILTALEHTI (August 17th, 2007) that the mantra, which she got from Amma, is helping her in decision making. The Evening Paper’s story is based on the new book ‘Finland in Mother Amma’s hug’.

– I am a bit weak person and I am not able to empty my mind that easily. Here mantra helps me. It helps to concentrate to what is essential, the Parliament Member is saying. “Mantra is a very natural thing to me. I take a shelter in it, when I am under stress and tense. When I have been fighting for something in politics or I am faced with difficult things, my vibration level may be very low”.

Meditation helps her to attain a suitable vibration level, which she feels in very important.

The new book ‘Finland in Amma’s Hug’ which is released in Finland this week is interviewing the Parliament Member Mrs. Saarela and also many of Amma’s Finnish devotees, among them the rock singer Satya Mikko von Herzen and film director Rishi Taavi Kassila. The aim of the book is to understand why Amma is so popular in Finland.

from The Finnish Evening Paper Iltalehti

2 thoughts on “Amma’s Mantra helps”

  1. If a person can heal ones problems, then why do we need a doctor? If a person can get a woman pregnant because of her touch, and if she appears in her dream, then where does our science lead us? Does this mean that people can change science?

    I have to believe that India as a nation should unite and stop believing in these superstitions once for all. These hugs and kisses are only a temporary relief and it ain’t permanent. This is my opinion.

  2. Dear Ashwin,

    Amma is just a deep reflection of the power and love inside as,You are right that if you look for something outside of your self it is temporary and ain’t premanent.

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