KKSSR to MK’s defence

KKSSR to MK’s defence

Justifying the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi sharing a dais with Mata Amritanandhamayi, state Health Minister K K S S R Ramachandran has said the DMK chief saw “God” in those who served humanity.

Launching the Mata Amrithanandha Mayi Mutt’s self help programme for the poor and physically handicapped and pension for widows and destitute, he said though ‘Karunanidhi does not compromise on his principles, he sees God in the smile and joy of poor men’.

Earlier the Minister also released a souvenir- ‘Amutha Malar’ City Mayor Tenmozhi distributed the sewing machines to women under self-help scheme of the MATA being launched in Madurai.

2 Feb 2007, Madurai

Chennai Online


Mata inspects homes

Mata inspects homes built for tsunami-hit
Friday February 2 2007 09:56 IST

NAGAPATTINAM: Mata Amritanandamayi on Thursday inspected the permanent shelters constructed for the tsunami survivors of fishermen colony in Keelapattinacherry in Nagapattinam district by her Math, the keys of which she handed over to Chief Minister M Karunanidhi at a function in the coastal town on Wednesday.

According to sources, as many as 650 families of the colony had lost their houses in the tsunami.

The Math undertook construction of 650 permanent houses for the victims at an estimated cost of Rs 2 crore on a 35-acre site granted by the government at Sambathottam. The Mata handed over the keys of the 400 permanent houses completed as on Wednesday to the Chief Minister.

She inspected the residential complex, tagged “Amirthapuri,” and acquainted herself with the additional work to be undertaken to the houses.

Amritanandamayi also inspected the site, where the drainage work is to be undertaken and a sewage treatment plant is to come up.

She directed Swami Abhayamirtha Chaitanya, who is looking after the tsunami relief and rehabilitation activities, to take immediate steps through the government for the provision of roads, streetlights and drinking water lines in the complex.

Earlier, the Mata offered benediction to a large number of her followers at the Desikar Polytechnique in Valivalam and Maraimalainagar in Nagapattinam, from 6 pm on Wednesday to 9 am on Thursday.

New Indian Express