After being on the European Tour and seeing quite a few Devi Bhavas live and also witnessing the web-casts back to Amritapuri, now that I am back in the Ashram, I have been eagerly looking forward to watching everything from this end. So around breakfast time this morning (Saturday in India) I joined the Brahmacharis on the stage in the Main Hall and waited for the connection from San Ramon to be established.

Though there was some initial delay, the connection was made just as the Satsang finished and the Devi Bhava puja was starting. I could clearly hear Swamiji’s instructions. With my eyes closed, lifting my arms up over my head, responding with ‘Om Parashaktyai Namah’, for all I knew I was in San Ramon with all my US Brothers and Sisters.

After the puja, Amma went inside the Mandipam. To my delight (and everyone else’s), Amma started to chat with us. ‘Makale!’ (Children), Amma called out. And while She continued to talk to the Bris and Brs in Malayalam – which I didn’t understand, it didn’t matter – I could hear the love in her voice and in the responses of the Bris and Brs who chatted with her. It was so palpable. The tone of Amma’s voice when She spoke. It was as if a Mother was on vacation and was talking to her children who were missing her dearly. I had never experienced such inner joy just listening to Her.

About 10 minutes of chatting, it was time for Devi Bhava to start. The curtains opened – and Amma was wearing what appeared to be a maroon, or reddish purple sari – it was hard to tell because the colors on the screen kept shifting. In about 12-15 hours, (after midnight here), Devi Bhava will be coming to a close in San Ramon. And again, we will gather on the stage to catch a glimpse of our Beloved Amma.
How sweet it is to be on the receiving end of Her Divine Love!
25 Nov 06
Sri Pati – USA

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