30 Sep 2008 Question

Q85: Favorite Bird?

Question 85:
“What is your favorite bird? Why? What does it symbolize for you?”
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  1. It has to be the Swan. It’s so graceful, majestic, divinely beautiful…
    I do like all the birds though, they symbolize freedom (flying freely in the open sky) and happiness in life.

  2. Never thought of which one is favourite. All birds are beautiful. But i heard that Devi like parrots the most. I have seen many photos of Amma with parrots. So, whatever my mother likes, i will also like… : )

  3. Yeah i will also vote for white Swan, the swan is known for its peculiar characteristic of being capable of separating water from milk, indicating that we should possess discrimination in separating the bad from the good. i have seen a photo Amma feeding the swans…its so beautiful….

  4. Yes!!! Of course Swan is a Favorite Bird for all. It is so graceful divinely beautiful but more than that it has a good Swattic quality to differentiate between write and wrong. And also has the power of discriminate between The Real and Unreal (Nittyaanityavivejanam). If you give a mix of milk and water in front of a Swan it is able to separate Milk from the mix. I like to fly in the chidagasha without any disturbance like the Divine Swan couple (Jeevatma&Paramatma) and also like to swim in the Manasa sarassu of Kailas!!!!! my beloved Lord’s Altar.

  5. Robins because they are wild and close to men, they watch me in the garden, they sing to me. It’s nature offering itself to man.

  6. My favourite bird is Peacock. whenever I see Peacock I visualise him as Sri Krishna and at the very moment I say krishna is AMMA. I bow to him and say I see my AMMA in you.

  7. I wake up almost everyday to the singing of the little colorful canaries flitting in my yard. They symbolize to me as life that is very happy, cheerful, hopeful, and free. They inspire love in me for all of God’s creation. I often visualize, my soul must be like them – free, blissful, beautiful, full of love and inspiring love for all, also, often reminds me of Amma’s love and compassion for all!

  8. Sparrow. Little and Lovely. Symbolizes innocence and beauty.

  9. Mine is a Peacock also because I see them as my beloved Krishna. But I like all birds. They remind me of the freedom and lack of bonds that is the supreme goal.

  10. Eagle. Vehicle of Vishnu. Majestic. Has an overview of all things (Big picture) and also when it wants to focus on details, it swoops down and makes its catch. Relating to our lives, we should also soar majestically in this world, but always aware of our surroundings. We must take exactly what we want – nothing-more-nothing-less.

  11. parrot, reminds me of Sri Lalita

  12. Mine is the Peacock as well but for different reasons.They have such beautiful feathers, one of a kind. You don’t have any other bird with such feathers. When the peacock struts its feathers, it so wonderful to watch. They can be said to be arrogant birds but I see them as very confident individuals. They’re happy with what they are so they strut.

  13. for me, peacock is the most beautiful bird….there are peacocks in the gardens, on the campus where i am studying now…..the peacock, spreads its lustrous feathers in full majesty at the sight of rain clouds, reminding me of vrindavan and my Beloved……and each time it unfailingly brings to me Amma’s voice in the bhajan “karayum kaarmukil kandaal maathram,peeli vidarthum mayile…..”

  14. Crow, because i wake up with the calls of 2 of them, they take away biscuits everyday, and i am also thankful to Shani Dev for giving me this opportunity!!

  15. In Texas there’s a really common bird called a grackle. Most people take them for granted, and lots of people think of them as pests. They are also not very “pretty” birds. I love these birds! They are so funny to watch, and the males have the neatest mating call in the spring. They act so silly and sweet. I guess I like them because even though they’re really common, they always interest me or do something new I haven’t seen.

  16. The twin personality of my mind says that the favorite Bird is peacock. Because my beloved Lord is like a dancing peacock. He is blue-throated even as the peacock. One more thing is there. “Oru peeli enganum kandupoyal” Then my beloved Kanha has to face so many problems. So Like Bhagavan Adisankara who is the greatest lover of Lord Shiva i also try to perceives the infinite Parameswara in whatever i see. Thus i am trying to conceal my other personality.

  17. Crow is my favorite because of their way of sharing food with fellow mates, which is indeed a lesson for us to learn. The moment I put some food, I can see the crow caws and invites its clan and then starts to eat, leaving a bit for other smaller birds too. Once the crow is finished, pigeons, sparrows, mynahs have their peck, which is a beautiful sight to watch. Black is beautiful too.

  18. My favourite bird is the Neelkanth (Blue bird, Kingfisher). Whenever I see it I feel something nice is coming my way from Shiva. I love the speed and screech of parrots. One came into my house on the day I was born and stayed with us till I saw it escape from its cage one day. It could chant Siya Ram and other prayers. I also like parrots and Eagles because of their Amma connection. Recently, a vulture was hurt and I felt very loving towards it then – otherwise we think of it as a bird of prey (which all birds are). Even Shiva likes cemeteries and the vulture makes nothing of the body. Actually all birds are my favourites – esp. sparrows and humming birds because they are small and light.

  19. I love hummingbirds!!! If you see these birds under just the right lighting conditions, their feathers will shine with an unusual iridescence of electric colors. However most of the time, if you are fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of these speedy creatures, they appear drab and almost dull in appearance. This reminds me of Amma appearing common yet being so beautiful to those who have the heart and eyes to see Her in Her true light. The fact that hummingbirds fly so fast (300 wing beats per minute!) and are always moving busily among the flowers also reminds me of Amma. When a hummingbird sits still, it is done with great intent as if in meditation. Hummers can fly straight up in acrobatic long vertical circles and hover in one spot like a helicopter. They can even fly backwards! No other birds can do this. This too reminds me of Amma. She can do what seems impossible and what no one else can do. And yet they are the smallest of all birds. I was not surprised to learn that the hummingbird represents JOY to the many indigenous people. And who is more joyous than our Amma????

  20. Even though mythical, my favorite bird is the phoenix. The phoenix symbolizes rebirth and determination. It will keep dying and being reborn.

  21. birds are beautiful. loving birds is an emotion different from human attachments… birds symbolize the artistic talent of God.. i can’t say my favorite bird though because the moment i type a bird’s name, my love for other birds and their beauty starts blinking. my finger automatically presses the backspace key. but i would definitely list out some of my favorites.. favorites.. only because i have interacted with them.. sparrows, crows, mynahs, pigeons. I love sparrows for their innocence and small size 🙂 crows for their easy mingling and unity… pigeons for their calmness and stare 🙂 mynah for their amazing voice and beauty… and of course innocence once again…

  22. The Eagles (actually kites) here at the ashram are really nice. They just cruise around and surf the skies. They seem to have enough food and don’t have any problems, from what we can see. Only occasionally, one steals food from unsuspecting westerners at the Western Cafe in Amritapuri… Other than that one, they seem to be happy creatures without much fear or anything to worry about.

  23. All of them.
    sparrows (or robin??): for being cheerful and playful
    crows: for being nature’s scavengers
    pigeons: for peaceful nature
    peacocks: for grace when they dance spreading their beautiful feathers
    parrots: for being chatty

  24. Kingfisher is my favorite …..it looks very focused and determined …..and mostly in solitude…enjoying the peace around it.

  25. CROW. for their cooperation, love for fellow beings. Plus while they eat they clean the surroundings.

  26. Canary: for its majestic voice & graceful looks
    Parrot (Gray of Gabon): for its cleverness & faithfulness to his master

  27. The Dove is my Favorite Bird. It is so graceful divinely beautiful but more than that, the Dove is the symbol of peace.

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