Children are so spontaneous. The worries of the world don’t worry them. They do not care or do not know whether Obama or McCain is going to be the next president of the US. They do not know the LOC between Pakistan & India – but they know how to laugh. They know how to spontaneously smile when you smile or make faces at them. They know how to be happy in small things – a tree climbed, a chocolate relished, the company of friends, running freely, shouting at the top of their voices, ……. They are the children of God.

The children in the camp are no different. Maybe they have no home to return to, maybe their belongings have been washed away – but they can still smile. Maybe you call it ignorance of the facts of life. But they know how to cry too – when they do not get what they want, when they are hungry, when their parents scold or beat them – but they live life moment to moment.

Whenever I went to the camp there was a bevy of children following me around. Shoving and shouting to be in front, to be closest. They would say “Pranam Swamiji” when they saw me and beg me to take a photograph of them or during Diwali – give them a cracker or just play with them – even the smallest coming up for a pat on the head.

Some of the faces I was able to capture, many I was not. A few of the faces of God. They have a custom here – they do not cut the hair of even the boys till they are of a certain age – so some who you are sure are girls are boys!

— Nijamrita


Join the conversation! 7 Comments

  1. Yes, Swami, we can see/feel the (godly)innocent from their eyes….

  2. Thank you so much for posting these BEAUTIFUL pictures of children , truly and verily they are Children Of God .

  3. yes, kids are really so spontaneous and their innocence is definitely god-like..lovely pictures! Namashivaya.

  4. How beautiful they are. I love the pictures! It really brings me into the story. My son also looks like a girl and at 2 and a half has more hair that most girls his age! He too is happy in all things. He is my greatest teacher next to Amma. When he is sick he still laughs and plays as if he is totally fine. Not like us adults who mope about and are miserable when we are sick. He is a master laugher. It is impossible not to smile when he does. I am truly blessed by Amma to have such a beautiful being in my life. I also feel much gratitude for being in and environment that is not sensitive to natural disasters. I thank Amma daily for such a wonderful life! Jai Amma!

  5. beautiful children..

  6. Of course, now, they are blessed children. When the youth smashes the innocent with the lusty thoughts, who probably trains/teaches them to have self-control. The poor are more exploited especially when they are young.
    May AMMA’s loving grace and guidance be with all Her children.

  7. dear swamiji, its indeed the smile that makes a lot of difference. even the richest man on planet earth cannot get the happiness that one gets by making a child smile.. especially in this situation…. money cannot buy everything……

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