19 May 2011, Amritapuri

It is that time of the year… when Amma gives room darshan.

Before taking off on Her world tour, Amma meets all the ashramites from Amritapuri and all branch ashrams, individually in her room. As one family finishes, she rings a bell and another walks in … one after another…

Today was my room darshan. Accompanying my aged father and mother in law, we went in and sat near Amma . She gave us all darshan, strained to feed us prasad with her own hands, enquired about our welfare, about our health etc.

At which point we actually asked Amma about the painstaking room darshan she gives. Amma replied “Well, Amma has to see everyone, after Trissur program Amma has been sitting 15 hours a day to give darshan”

15 hours a day! Surely the body will ache and the legs will pain sitting in one chair like that. But still smiling as always and making sure every person is talked to and everybody’s issues are heard. Hugging again and again the same person, stretching to give prasad to everyone…

Imagine having to sit 15 hours a day in one chair, and meet people, one after another.

My mother in law asked her “Amma why do you do this? Please take rest” to which Amma replied “This is my rest”

Yes this is rest – otherwise She will be hugging 20000 people in a single night. For Amma room darshan is “a vacation.” This is Amma’s “vacation.”

Amma works harder on her vacation than most of us do on our regular working days!


Never before has such an extreme example of selflessness ever walked the earth. A saint once said about Amma “the greatest manifestation of the Divine ever to walk on earth…”


Absolutely no word will suffice…


as Sri Shankara says : “O Mother, even if the mount Meru be the pen, and the waters of the ocean be the ink, and the earth itself the page, and Goddess Saraswati herself sits and writes for all eternity, still Your glory cannot be fully expounded”.

We returned happy after our room darshan, joyful that we got a few minutes with her, but profoundly humbled at that Supreme Selflessness.

— bala


Join the conversation! 6 Comments

  1. Thank you for your beautiful words and reminder about Amma’s selflessness.
    Life events have ripped me away from my ‘lock-on’ to her as guru and destination.
    These months of separation have felt like a loss of oxygen, yet I continue as she continues. I am praying that her eminent visit to my city will call me back home to her heart. Amritapuri may miss her while she is abroad, but so many hearts will be healed. Jai Ma.

  2. Nice post.Thank you!

  3. In response I can only echo what you already said: “Absolutely no word will suffice…”

  4. Oh Ma…So Selfless…♥
    Om Premamritanandamayai Nityam Namo Namah!!! ♥♥♥

  5. Can there be another example of a true Mother’s love like this ? Amma is our DEAREST MOTHER.. what else can be said

  6. thank you for sharing bala sir ….

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AshramDiary, WithAmma