15 Dec 2011 Poems

Alerting stars…

Ma, I was lulled to sleep by Thy mellifluous songs of melody,
Alas! When I woke up I saw all the dazzling stars vanished away.
Reminding me to wake up before the sun rises,
do archana and be ready to receive your grace.

Ma, I was lulled to sleep by Thy mellifluous songs of melody,
Alas! When I woke up I saw all the dazzling stars vanished away.
Reminding me slumbering is the worst ever enemy,
get up and to do away with it without further delay.

Ma, I was lulled to sleep by Thy mellifluous songs of melody,
Alas! When I woke up I saw all the dazzling stars vanished away.
One must be ever alert to receive the gift of the day,
and not to blame the stars or fate for laying all day.

Ma, I was lulled to sleep by Thy mellifluous songs of melody,
Waw! Surely I’ll wake up to see all the dazzling stars in the sky.
Ever ready to do any karma that comes the way,
and sharing Thy precious love, serving all the day.

— Sridhar

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  1. Beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing.

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