Question 200:

Amma says: Only by giving do we truly receive.How do you understand this?

Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

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  1. There is no happiness to be found in selfishness. Wanting to take only causes nothing but suffering. By giving our love to others, we receive true joy. Amma only gives and never asks to take. That is why she is filled with joy.

  2. When we give, we automatically receive so much grace from the Almighty and gain peace of mind. When we give happiness to others , we in turn receive so much happiness. This is a universal truth.

  3. the ego in us always thinks of getting and receiving but God in us always gives. So when we become selfless like God, we recieve the greatest blessing of becoming one with God. So only by always giving, we truly recieve the grace and become like the greatest giver, God.

  4. when you give by taking part in a seva activity like helping in a soup kitchen, when you see the eyes of someone who has little material wealth whose just eaten look at you – they are gods eyes – it touches you so much to know that theyve been touched deeply. Try not to expect this or anything in return, but if it happens, the giving back (just a look of gratitude from them) is priceless.

  5. It is the Giver who is blessed. We are all born because of worldly tendencies (or vasanas). When we give, the blessings of the Divine will carry us to higher spiritual planes thus mitigating vasanas and enabling the soul for higher life or meditative life.

    Thyaigainaike Amritatattva manasuhu.
    (Immortality is attained only through sacrifice.)

    Swami Vivekananda writes in his poem “To a Friend”

    Ay, born heir to the Infinite thou art,
    Within the heart is the ocean of Love,
    “Give”, “Give away”—whoever asks return,
    His ocean dwindles down to a mere drop.

  6. Its what we sow we reap the same. : This life of ours is field of our karma,actions, whatever karmas we will sow we will reap the same” My divine AMMA had narrat3ed asmall story that a Kind slapped pne of his wazir, he slaaped back his junoir and the trend followed and in the last the kind got a slap from his superior.”

  7. We are all connected, cells of beings in one body of existence. When one or many cells of beings are in pain, hungry, thirsty, lonely, ill, angry, etc. it is felt and experienced by everyone and everything whether we are aware of it or not. Suffering in anyone or anything affects the health, and balance of the whole and any individual living being known to us or unknown to us. When we give to someone or something suffering we restore our balance and health. There is no life without giving, it is our natural nature.

  8. AMMA has, by HER own example,shown us what immense joy lies in giving to others. Regardless of one’s own comforts, if one can be empathetic to the needs of others less fortunate, then that makes one a befitting recipient of Divine Grace! AMMA HERSELF cites the shining parable of King Rantideva, the epitome of selfless sacrifice and generosity. Hence AMMA says, ‘Only by giving do we truly receive’.

  9. all of our actions have only one motive, that is, to attain happiness. when we give, selflessly, we attain that real happiness.

  10. Felt most contented while performing spontaneous selfless actions, when the end result don’t even cross my mind, hence only by giving did i truly receive.

  11. Because life is like a boomerang, whatever we send/give we automatically get it back…

  12. Amma says that we are beads strung in a single thread called love, which obviously means we are all interdependent. That is why Amma says we should not just think of only receiving, but also think of serving others as much as possible. As far as possible we should do this without expecting anything in return which will pave way for receiving God’s grace. To be honest doing ‘selfless service’ is always not possible for ordinary souls like us, but even little efforts in that direction can bring a great deal of positive change in this world which can ultimately lead to peace and happiness. May Amma bless all of us with the ability to serve others selflessly.

  13. what is giving in truth? when these eyes witnessed Amma Giving darshan, for the first time i witnessed giving without any notion of receiving.
    To feel the unconditional compassion Amma is all-ways showing.
    To give without the need to get, breeds self- transcendence.
    To give without idea or belief there is a single/separate me to be giving or getting. Is then to give freely as there is only ‘One’ in the giving and receiving.

  14. The old adage, it is better to give than receive is really true. I noticed that this past Christmas, when I realized that I gave far more presents than I received. And I didn’t even mind this. I enjoyed giving my gifts. It is funny how it works that way.

  15. i do receive ‘A Satisfaction’ that i did my duty or responsibility, as i am supposed to do as a human being. As per Karma theory too one get right fruit to right work done and wrong fruit to wrong job done. Supreme being AMMA’s Blessings on being compassionate and kind-hearted.

  16. Only by giving without others notice, without your notice – when it becomes a habit. Its true experiance of receiving.

  17. The more charity you give the more blessing you receive from God almighty.Like wise, the more you teach, the more you reap harvest of your knowledge.The most number of persons you help to live life with dignity and honor,the more satisfaction you get out of their happiness.

  18. If we are all created in the spirit and to the image of God, it means that we are basically givers in essence. Perhaps, we simply forgot that for reasons of samsara and ego. But when we fall back to our originally godly giving nature, we experience some of His nature too: bliss, expansiveness and joy. In the end, the giver is himself the receiver.

  19. Pranams at the lotus feet of Amma. Namah Shivaya to all of you! When we give anger, we receive peace of mind for ourselves. When we receive anger, we lose our peace of mind. This is inverse relation. However Amma’s message reminds us that if we give a little love and compassion to others, we are sure to receive lots of love back from various sources not just one. The giving and receiving will flow peacefully to everyone involved.

  20. In this world Only human beings take away evrything what is more than needed.We exploit nature, exploit everything with out giving back any thing to the world. Look at animal, they dont eat any thing more than they needed.Birda, animal trees, all exisists to become useful for others.only human beings live to become useless for any one.Execptions are great sages, they come to this world to teach us the importance of giving. They never take anyhitng from this world insted they give even thier lives just to teach us this message. Our Amma is a living example.

  21. If we want to receive Love then by giving it we open our hearts and can really feel it. Otherwise, if we run around trying to only receive we won’t be able to perceive all the love around us.

  22. A Devotee was talking to God about giving and recieving .He began asking’Lord’ What really is eternity to you ? There was a long silence and finally a voice from the clouds said : ‘My Son’ in terms of your short exsistance ‘eternity to me is only a moment or so’!
    The man reflected what God said and asked :’Lord’ I’m sorry just one more question ?’Ok’ said God ‘but this is it ‘I am’ very busy tonight.
    Lord ‘what is having a billion dollars to you ?’ God replyed :Oh-thats like having 1 single rupee! Upon hearing this : the devotee knelt down before God and made his last plea .’Lord’ would you mind giving me that 1 rupee ? God then said: ‘sure’ only wait just a moment !

  23. Men are by nature gregarious so as to keep them free from ego and egocentric desires.We live in a society and so we have duties to the family, relations,community,nation and the world.
    These obligatory duties must be performed as best as we can in a spirit of unattatchment and joy.This helps to release us from all our inhibitions,repressions and emotional entanglement and provide us a new life of blissful satisfaction.So with all faith in yourself and in your ideal, give and help others in devotion and humilty, for a new force that shall reach us from the Lord and make us feel fresh ,stronger, healthier and give a glow of beauty.This helps us to polish our inner equipments.
    All obligatory duties done to others are called yagnas and they exhaust all our vasanas and release us from the bondage of our own past actions and provide a freed personality.Such an achivement we cannot imagine to aquire by any other means.This is the real worship of Lord and to receive much more than given.

  24. When you give what is dear to you, it becomes a sacrifice. In general, the majority of us crave for more money. This is very true for those who live in the West.When we give this money to the right cause such as Amma’s charity, you lessen your attachement to that. When you make it a habit, you lessen your “vasanas” or tendencies.When that happens grace flows in (you receive). This is what Amma makes me write now

  25. the same words are in the bhagavath gita, the bible and the koran

  26. We will receive only if we can give. Whether it is money, smile, kind words, compassionate glance, help. This is my true experience. Whenever I get insult and abuse, I sincerely understand that it is my own action which is responsible for this. The problem with today’s world is people are even miserly to give a sincere smile, glance and consoling words. The height of selfishness is too much.

  27. Actually only by giving we can attain something.When we giving Love ,charity.etc. in return we get the most precrious thing that is satisfaction, contentment,affection and Grace etc. Take very little and give more as much as possible. That is slogan of Mahatmas.We can see this quality in our most beloved Amma.That is why Amma got this much projini.So we have to develop this quality of most beloved Amma and don’t try to keep holding.

  28. perhaps our brain is also wired for this kind of relationship what Amma says. recent studies have confirmed that the reward systems in the brain is more activated and for persistently longer time period by giving rather than receiving behavior paradigms. although neuroscience is not perfect, when it confirms with Amma’s teachings, why couldn’t we implement it? lets start today…come on…give that compassionate look to somebody today!!!

  29. Infinite resource flows from a heart when fully connected to the Divine. Any gift given freely from this complete state fills the recipient while never depleting the giver.

  30. Flows emanation became river.
    No river no flow no receiving.

  31. It is an illusion to give and receive, we are immersed in God,
    it is That who acts, we simply we are asleep and this is why we think of giving and receiving.
    We are so infinitally surrounded by Love that we can not contain it on illusion Fisical.

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