Uttarakhand Relief Work

We decided to walk to nearby villages and see the situation firsthand as we felt we should receive before setting up a camp.  We made the mistake of taking the locals literally about how far the next spot was…. Close by meant hours, and a couple of kilometres meant 10 or more on steep mountains.  We have been walking all day long and seen scenes of devastation… Long swathes of non-existent roads, houses and hotels that were… but are no longer there.

We are in Ghivani village… Stuck between here and there… sitting in the verandah of a family who were strangers to us an hour back, but now are sitting all around us listening to stories of Amma. The hospitality and love in the way they offered us tea (when they themselves have so little to eat) filled my heart and I bowed down to Bharat.

To get here we had to skirt along broken roads… Slide down broken slopes… Climb up cliffs using cables… And now not able to go further we are sitting here… Watching the serene mountains… and listening to the gentle sound of rain…
– Nijamrita

watch these photos from the camp and our journey in Uttarakhand

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  1. Nijamritaji it a great help u r extending to the needy with the grace of divine AMMA. I wish I had also accompanied.

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