Arriving in Kolkata – The last stop on the tour 17 Mar 2008, Kolkata After the Mangalore program I went back to the ashram but could not bear the thought of missing the inauguration of the Brahmasthanam temple here at Amma’s Kolkata Ashram and not seeing Amma before she departs India. I was not alone […]

16 march, itava, uutarpradesh, bharata yatra 2008 the four-lane road to calcutta is beautiful. on either side of the road was spread the fields of cultivation. rice, wheat, mustard.. now its time for the potatoes. big, really big fields of potatoes. the machine ploughs the ground and farmers pickup the potatoes and clean the dirt. […]

15 march , delhi to calcutta, bharata yatra 2008. today is a loooong trip — by the road to calcutta,  it is abut 1500 km. from the north to east of india cutting through the states of haryana, uttarpradesh, bihar and then to west bengal. when passing through the state of uttarpradesh, we saw yamuna […]

13 march, bharata yatra 2008, delhi one little girl about 12 years old asked amma for mantra. last year also she has asked for mantra. but only this time amma gave it. the next day when i saw her she said the mantra has changed her so much. i asked her what was the change. […]

These past few months, there have been more than few moments when I’ve had to literally stop in my tracks and look out in awe at the tens of thousands of people who come to see Amma during her programmes both in Amritapuri and on tour in India.  It must be more than just the […]

5 March 2008 This past Wednesday, Sivaratri was celebrated literally all day long in Amritapuri. While our Beloved Amma was somewhere in Gujarat or Rajasthan, on Her way to Jaipur, Her children in Amritapuri were like Parvati doing penance for their beloved Siva who had suddenly disappeared. For a full 24 hours, the Brahmacharinis held […]

5 march, bharata yatra 2008, amdavad to jaipur we started to jaipur. the journey was through the fields of onion, sesame, pomegranates. the road was beautiful. once the fields finished, the beautiful waves of mountains started on either side. as we entered rajasthan, the cultivation fields almost stopped. once in a while you see some […]

4 march, bharata yatra 2008, amdavad, gujarat amdavad was a typical programe of gujju (gujaratis). men wear meters long turban, ladies wear saris with their frills from the back to the front. they hang a bunch of keys on their hip. the city was terribly dusty. days were hot and the nights were cold. during […]

29 feb, bharata yatra 2008, mumbai mumbai was too hot. luckily there were little mosquitos this time. at the end of darshan, a little boy sitting on his fathers hip told amma that he knows mantras. he chanted ‘lokah samasthah sukhino bhavanthu.’  amma told him, “its not enough to chant the mantra; you have serve […]