6 Dec 2007 My trust with intellectual spirituality ended the day I was first blessed with a darshan of Amma – then began the blessed period of experiential spirituality. Everyday she makes sure I see Her /feel Her presence – as though telling me that She is always there with me [and surely with each […]

3 Dec 2007, Amritapuri For the first part of the webcast from Ann Arbor, we could only hear Amma’s voice as She gave satsang.  But when Her image finally appeared, it was so close. The camera was sitting just to Her right and facing upwards. We couldn’t see Swamiji, but we could tell that there were […]

I was in the shuttle staff this summer. The shuttle shack is the place where we organize the rides for devotees from the ashram to their respective destinations. It sometimes becomes a very anxious place because sometimes people have to wait for a long time to get their rides. Here are couple of leelas: * […]

The sound of bells can be heard everywhere in India. They ring to signify special events, festivals, a call to prayer, or to mark the passage of time. So, of course, there are many bells in Amritapuri. The two main bells, both about a foot tall are located in the Temple and in the Main […]

Amma, who has lived twice A woman whose strength and dignity, In the face of adversity, Are both tremendous and inspiring. A woman whose legacy is that, She achieved, The impossible for her children. A woman who gave up, All comfort and luxury, To be with her children at every moment. A woman whose embrace, […]

If this is Mother Love, we all need a lot more of it Rosita Sweetman is well and truly Amma’d after meeting the ‘hugging saint’ Sunday November 18 2007 She’s tiny and a great deal earthier than they make her out to be in the brochures, with huge, lively eyes, a wonderful smile, and so […]

When a motherly hug is the best medicine By Niamh Hooper Monday November 12 2007 With four hugs a day prescribed for survival, eight a day for emotional strength and 12 for growth, what would scientific research make of Amma? Known fondly as The Hugging Saint, she is said to have hugged more than 26 […]

There are various views possible of the beautiful backwaters at the Ashram’s backyard: while strolling along its bank, walking up the Amrita Setu, from the top of one of the tall ashram buildings….and so on. From anywhere I look at it, the mind takes on a poetic mood…. Well, if rivers are metaphor for the […]

Recently we all visited Holy Mount Arunachala and set out on Giriprakhsina. In our group, the one person who walked effortlessly more than half the distance and still ready to go on was our Kakki ( aunt ). To me this is a miracle. Kakki who is now 70 plus, has been a heart patient […]