walking in the footsteps of ramayanait was a spontaneous decision when sw. turiyamritananda told me he was going for ramayana parikrama [circumambulation of sacred spots associated with ramayana]. i asked, can i come with you?yes, he said.we drove 400 odd kilometres to reach pulpally, the hillstation in wynad district.while driving we saw the devastation the […]

From youth retreat conducted in Germanyby Bri.Dipamrita Chaitanya & Shubamrita Chiatanya – July 2007 Amma’s Youth in Europe are moving ahead, under Her Love and guidance. The third Youth Exchange Programme held at the M.A. Center, Germany was a phenomenal success in which the youth from different parts of Europe participated. This year this programme […]

Today, Swami discussed the ending part of Shankaracharya’s commentary of the 13th chapter, 2nd shloka. This was the sixth class on this shloka so far, and we reached near the end of the commentary. As said before, this part is one of the most important parts of the Shankara Bhashya of the Gita. The shoka […]

Today, Swami Kaivalyananda continued with the discussion of the 2nd shloka, 13th chapter; ‘Know Me to be the Knower in all fields; the knowledge of the field and its knower is what I consider true knowledge.’ Here, the issue being debated is that if the Lord says that it is He alone that is the […]

Today we got a chance to see Amma’s Devi Bhava satsang and talk with Amma before She came out in Devi Bhava. For this time, there was no video, only audio. Once we heard Amma’s voice, everybody yelled ‘Amma!’ Then there not much sound from Amma for a while. Some brahmacharinis said, ‘Amma, why don’t […]

Today, Swami Kaivalyananda discussed further parts of Shankara’s commentary of the 13th chapter, 2nd shloka. This part is a very significant, and long part of Shankara’s commentary. The discussion continues, as the Purva Paksha (opposition) asks if the scriptures are meaningless because of the unreality of bondage and moksha. To this Shankara says that the […]

Swami discussed more from the 13th chapter, 2nd shloka. This part has an extensive commentary by Sri Shankaracharya. The shloka is; ‘know Me to be the knower in all fields, Arjuna! That knowledge which is of the field and the knower of the field I consider true knowledge.’ Here, the purva paksha asks, ‘so is […]

This is a true story with the dimensions of a parable. Most of us here about are familiar with the nuisance of birds at the big eating-place in the Ashram. The most menacing are the crows. Especially for the girl-students whose Mess is an enclosure. Remember the green screens? Yes, they are kept all around […]

Today, Swami Kaivalyanandaji continued with the commentary of the 13th chapter, 3rd verse. ‘Kshetrajnam api mam vidhi, sarvakshetresu bharata’ – ‘Know Me to be the Knower in all fields, Arjuna!’ Here, there is another interesting discussion between Shankara’s ‘Siddhanti’ and the opposing ‘Purva Paksha.’ Previously, we mentioned that Shankara compared the ignorance of the jiva […]