Today Swami discussed the 12th chapter, on Bhakti Yoga. Here is one shloka; Abhyase’ pyasamartho’ si, mat karma paramo bhava, Madartham api karmani kurvan siddhim avapsyasi.’ 12.10 Here, the Lord is instructing Arjuna in the different sadhanas of bhakti. First He says, ‘fix your mind in Me, and you will dwell in Me.’ This is […]

From BSF Baramulla, it took us about 2 hours to reach Kupwara on 22nd June, 2007. The IAM sessions were scheduled from 23rd June 2007 to 25th June 2007. It was quite scenic on the way – large green paddy fields surrounded by mountains, streams of small river, flowing parallel to the road, horse-carts carrying […]

On 18th June 2007, we started for Baramulla in a BSF convoy under tight security and reached Baramulla BSF SHQ, Singpura, in around 3-4 hours. On the way, we saw army trying to toe a burnt passenger bus to the roadside. We were told that some people had burnt the bus after a child had […]

On hearing Swami Kaivalyanada saying, `If you want to have Viswaroopa darshana, ask Amma’, my mind strolled along these lanes of thoughts: and all these with all the respects due to Gita, Sri Krishna and Arjuna. Well, is not Amma always in the Vishwaroopa-bhava? When we watch Her Devi Bhava programs through web casting, there […]

The Chicago Devi Bhava just ended. The stage downstairs was filled to capacity as everyone wanted to feel the contact with Amma again even though it’s just a few days when we saw her last. But then again, whoever gets tired of Amma? It was especially lively tonight as there was a bunch of kids […]

Amma’s Last Devi Bhava was from Iowa. It was sweet to watch as always. About the color of the sari it’s a bit difficult to say because of the limited color scale of the webcast and our screen, but luckily the minds eye has no such limitations. So I would say that it was a […]

Poland is another country waiting eagerly for Amma’s visit. In previous years, groups from Poland would come for Amma’s programmes in Europe, and were very eager to start activities there. On their invitation, Br. Shubamrita visited the beautiful capitol city of Warsaw from July 2 to 4. Held in a school hall, near the centre […]

Today, Swami discussed the 12th chapter, Bhakti Yoga. Here is one shloka; ‘tesham aham samuddharta, mrtyusamsara sagarat,Bhavami na cirat partha, mayyaveshita cetasam.’ 12.7. The Lord tells Arjuna, ‘For those devotees who surrender all actions to Me, intent on Me, with one-pointed devotion, I rescue them from the ocean of death, this Samsara, in no time […]

Today Swami discussed part of the 12th chapter, Bhakti Yoga. Here, there were a few questions by the brahmacaris. One asked, ‘what is the difference between para bhakti (supreme devotion) and jivanmukti (liberation while alive)? Because once para bhakti is attained, ignorance should be destroyed, isn’t that the same as jivanmukti?’ To this, Swami replied […]