Day before yesterday we were watching the webcast from Dallas, Texas and I couldn’t but wonder at Amma’s leela. There Amma was giving Devi Bhava in Dallas like it was a completely normal thing to do. What I mean to say is how incredible it is in a way that Amma is going to all […]

Today Swami discussed more about the 11th chapter, vishva rupa darshana yoga. Here is another shloka; ‘Dronam ca bhishmam ca jayadratham ca,Karnam tatha’ nyan api yodhaviran,Maya hatams tvam jahi ma vyathishta,Yudhyasva jetasi rane sapatnan.’ 11.34 The Lord says to Arjuna, in His vishva rupa, ‘All of these brave warriors, Drona, Bhishma, Karna, Jayadratha, etc., are […]

Today Swami discussed the 11th chapter, continuing about the vishva rupa darshana. Here is one shloka, ‘Kalo’ smi lokaksayakrt pravrddho, lokan samahartum iha pravrttah,Rte’ pi tvam na bhavishyanti sarve, ye’ vasthitah pratyanikeshu yodhah.’ 11.32 After Arjuna sees the fearful and destructive form of the Lord, he asks, ‘who are You?’ To this, the Lord says, […]

After getting down from train in Jammu on 13th June 2007, we started for BSF Sector Headquarter – Srinagar in a BSF convoy on 14th Morning. The Officers and Jawans at BSF RTO office as well as in the Transit camp were very kind to us. Especially the Mess Commander Mr. S.K. Ghosh, who originally […]

Swami Kaivalyananda discussed some parts from the 11th chapter of the Gita. Here is one shloka;‘Na tu mam shakyase drashtum, anenaiva svacakshusha,divyam dadami te cakshu, pashya me yogam aishvaryam. 11.8. The Lord tells Arjuna, ‘but you are not able to see Me with your own eye; therefore, I give you divine sight. See my glorious […]

Today, Swami discussed the first part of the 11th chapter, The Yoga of the Universal Form.’ Here is the first shloka, said by Arjuna; ‘Madanugrahaya paramam guhyam adhyatma samjnitam, Yat tvayoktam vacas tena moho ‘yam vigato mama.’ Here, Arjuna tells the Lord, ‘out of compassion, You have instructed this highest secret of spirituality. By this, […]

Swami Kaivalyananda discussed part of the 10th chapter of the Gita, dealing with the Lord’s divine glories, or vibhutis. Here is one shloka;‘aham atma gudhakesha sarvabhutashaya sthitah,aham adis ca madhyam ca bhutanam anta eva ca.’ The Lord tells Arjuna, ‘I am the Self, seated in the hearts of all beings. I am the beginning, the […]

Last night we were watching Amma giving Devi Bhava Darshan in LA. This era of webcasts has really changed the atmosphere here in Amritapuri during the times Amma is away. Some years ago when Amma used to do the Europe and US tours one after the other she was away from the ashram over three […]

Swami Kaivalyananda started classes on the 10th chapter, called ‘Vibhuti Yoga.’ Here, the Lord reveals his divine aspects seen in creation. One important shloka is, ‘tesham satatayuktanam bhajatam pritipurvakam,dadami buddhiyogam tam yena mam upayanti te.’ Here, the Lord says, ‘for those constantly immersed in remembrance of me, full of love for Me, I give them […]