rain and strong wind hits the state of kerala today. it affected amritapuri too. uprooted tree by the cowshed in the video: the wind blew off the wall, took off the metal-roof of the water tank it rained heavily yesterday

Since the Amrita Setu bridge was built some peculiar visitors have been frequenting the ashram. Earlier this year we had one monkey who crossed over in the hope of, well we don’t quite know what. He was a fairly mischievous one and was known to bare his teeth at people coming from the café and […]

From the borders of the country –beyond the borders of the mind – IAM Aum Amriteswaryai NamahWe are in Amritsar now. The city that is most holy to the Sikhs for it has the Golden temple – the Harmandir Sahib, in which the original copy of the Guru Granth Sahib is housed.The response in all […]

Today Swami Kaivalyananda resumed Gita classes at the ashram, after a two-week break (Swami had to travel to Varanasi). Today we concluded the ninth chapter, with the verse, ‘manmana bhava madbhakto, madyaji mam namaskuru,mam evaishyasi yuktvaivam, atmanam matparaynah.’ Here, this is an important verse about bhakti. Some comment this as the five limbs (angas) of […]

In our free time we visited the famous Bahu Fort and the temple inside the Fort, while at Jammu.BSF Jawans from 4 Batallions attended the IAM Sessions from 19th June 2007 to 21st June 2007, at BSF Sector Headquarter in Srinagar and it was very well received. All the officers as well as Jawans participated […]

since the monsoon started, the sea become rough. the water leval increased. waves were crashing along the shores, uprooting the trees, taking away the sea walls, over flowing into the land.

I am writing from Dera Baba Nanak, in Punjab, on the Indo-Pak border. The name of the place means the home of Baba Nanak. This was where he spent his last years, living life as an ordinary farmer. Guru Nanak was the founder saint of Sikhism. Though he himself did not propound it as a […]

why did you come to india?to see Amma who is Amma?the mother of everyone why do you call her Mother?because she has so much love for everyone what has she given you ?so much love what is special about her love?it’s very nice when did you meet Amma?when i was 2 years old, now i […]

it was amazing this morning. usually i don’t get to see the sun rise.today when i saw it, the western horizon was bright and red as if the sun was rising there. really!! it was cool. the red and golden yellow rays sprayed through the orange, yellow and white clouds… so joyful to see.at the […]