Every one of us would have noticed that the rain stopped a day before AMMA’s Bday. The weather forecast as per the media was that it would rain on 26th, 27th and 28th. When I happened to meet/chat with our Ashram brothers during those auspicious moments, not one of them failed to be reminded of […]

Finally! The birthday celebrations are behind us…lot of chaos, ofcourse in a positive way i guess. Amma has her way of breaking down the ideas we have about ourselves and others, breaking down set patterns so that we come out of the attachment to our personality and stand free as the infinite…but its a painful […]

The birthday is happily over. There was just so much to do that I didn’t find time to write. Today everything is almost back to normal, except that Amma will be leaving for Europe in a few days. A little Sad for those staying here but bliss for those waiting eagerly in Europe. Tonight’s bhajans […]

Amma’s grace has allowed us to be with Her at Amritapuri these past three weeks. She has provided many opportunities to connect with the inner and outer mother. Both my husband and I have had the seva of cleaning Amma’s path. It is a job that is physically taxing especially during the persistent rains that […]

My wife and I have just spent three weeks on the sacred soil of Amritapuri. Many experiences, teachings, challenges, and wonders filled this blessed time. I would like to briefly focus on ‘Darshan’. It was a joyous blessing to experience Amma showering all of Her children continuously with Her Divine Grace. The physical darshan or […]

Amma was walking on her way to the stage for evening bhajans. Security guards were holding back the throngs of devotees and students who were pushing against each other trying to touch Amma. While walking, Amma’s arms were outstretched as usual to touch everyone within reach. Suddenly, she bent down and picked up something and […]

Dear Sisters&Brothers, Some of you remember the world has celebrated Amma’s Golden Jubilee Birthday (Amritavarsham 50) for 4 days in Cochin in 2003 and was live on the internet throughout the Globe. There was a prophecy of Amma’s Divine Birth. Just before His leaving of this world, Swami Vivekananda made a prophesy about a remarkable […]

26 September 2004 — Amritapuri Amma’s 51st Birthday As the 27th approaches, the number of people coming to Amritapuri to celebrate the 51st anniversary of Amma’s birth continues to climb. Truly, they are coming from all over—from Kerala, France, Australia, Pune…. Amritapuri.org took the chance to speak with some of the devotees and see how […]

It was dawn and I was about to drive down to the Ashram from Trivandrum. As I quickly scanned the morning newspapers,before I hit the road with my family, I was pleasantly surprised.All the prominent newspapers today carried pictures of Amma with a shovel working along with sevaks clearing the Ashram premises which was flooded […]