Berlin- The Europe Tour 2012 started in Berlin, a city of deep historical and cultural roots and associations. For many years, the Berliners came to Amma, asking her in heartfelt and humorous ways to come to their city. (news)  One memorable year, a six footer dressed as a bear danced up to Amma during darshan […]

This Amma season in Amritapuri was much more than what i wrote last time. Last Tuesday, from the memorable quick darshan, in which Amma didn’t miss to see each one in the eye and whisper our exclusive love code word in our ears, up to the Prasad distribution was one flow of the grace. Next […]

13th Sept, 2012 Last evening it was just a ‘less than an hour walk’ in the area behind the stage where Amma was giving darshan. How many kinds of birds did we get to see around us? More than a dozen in all! Our walk began from the bird hospital behind the western canteen. There […]

Saint poets of my language, Kannada, use a certain metaphor with a philosophical import: “The mango tree and the koel – how are they related? The gooseberry from the mountain and the salt from the sea water –how are they related?” i am often reminded of these lines when i see Bhakti and Tumban, the […]

Even as the Ramayana month, or Karkataka masa, of the proverbial heavy rains, ended with scanty irregular showers, Onam set in, bringing in joy. It reminds one of Shelley’s famous line, “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Here is all color. Amma is right now residing in the heart center of the world, […]

The Krishna cows were first brought to the ashram back in 2010. Their cowshed is situated right across from Amma’s apartments so they have a very prized location in the ashram. On peaceful nights when everyone is asleep it’s easy to imagine Amma coming quietly down from Her room to visit the cows as they […]

Even as rainy season is on, song of birds never ceases in Amritapuri. Like the nature poet John Keats said, ‘Poetry of the earth is never dead.’ Robins and bulbuls feel gloomy to sing as much as they did last month, but can’t stop singing altogether, you see. Especially in the morning hours. That’s after […]

The experienced devotees watch for signs: a stirring among the musicians, gathering of cameramen, a flurry at the sound system…the intent and intense begin to jockey for position, the closer the better.  Unfortunately, this usually leads to the same savvy and experienced folks scoring the “best” spots near Amma at practically every venue.  However, Amma […]

The lush farmland of Northern Illinois glowed hazily in the slanting light of the setting sun as we drove from our hotel to the M.A. Center of Chicago.  Tonight, June 30, 2012, the Center, located in rural Elburn, was being officially inaugurated by Amma and the Honorable Patrick Quinn, Govenour of Illinois as well as […]