On Mondays and Fridays Amma has regularly been going to the beach and leading meditation and question and answer sessions. Monday the 16th, however, it had been raining heavily. So, we were surprised when we heard the familiar three bells announcing that Amma was coming out to join us. But where? In the bhajan hall […]

Of Amma’s 108 names, #48 is “Om devi-sadyas-tirodhana-tapa-vyathita-cetase namah” meaning “Adorations to Amma who became very sorrowful on the Divine Mother’s sudden disappearance”. After spending many weeks with your North American children, Amma, you have left us and returned to your children at home who have been missing you desperately. While your departure at the […]

Kobe, July 30, 2010: Amma was wearing a beautiful Teal color saree. The color combination appeared to be that of a Kimono (Japanese traditional garment), apt for the Devi Bhava in Japan! Swami Amritaswarupananda sang an old Malayalam bhajan “Tarapadangalaeā€¦” The lyric of this bhajan has a nice meaning: “O stars, can’t you please come […]

Tokyo, July 27, 2010: Amma was wearing a beautiful golden saree with red border. One of the devotees described Amma in that saree as “Sinduraruna vigraham” (Meditate on the Divine Mother, who has a body of the color of saffron/vermilion-red). The Tokyo program was made possible by the tireless efforts of the sevites. One could […]

4 Aug 2010, Amritapuri Tuesday is a special day indeed with close Satsang, Q-and-A with Amma and most blessedly, getting the Prasad from Amma’s hands. This Tuesday was the first after Amma’s long US-Japan tour and as Amma came in, the crowded Kali temple became silently lively and joyfully dynamic. Amma sat in the center […]

25th, July 2010, Mysore Mysore ashram was fully decorated, every where people were walking with a hearty smile, atmosphere was filled with devotion and divine vibration and it seem to be as if our AMMA would come!! Early morning the conclusion of 9 days Guru Gana Homa, then Guru paduka abhisheka, bhajans, satsang, afternoon flute […]

In Tokyo, white orchid stems leaned in a graceful arc from the edge of the stage toward Amma. In Kobe, delicate salmon pink rosebuds lined the stage behind her chair. The flowers seemed to reflect the delicacy and grace of the Japanese people as they came for darshan, falling like pearls into her lap. For […]

They have been our trusted ‘chalaks.’ Rick, Steve, and Corey. These three drivers have been bringing us from city to city for the past two North American Tours. While we are fast asleep, exhausted after a long Devi Bhava, they are wide awake – navigating the highways across the US. They became part of the […]

Thursday, July 29, 2010: Today was the first day of Amma programs in Kobe, Japan. The program was held at ‘Kobe International Exhibition Hall’ in Chuo-ku, Kobe. Amma gave darshan in the morning and evening. Amma gave a satsang which was translated in Japanese by Br Shantamrita. During the evening program, there were a few […]