Vipin, hailing from Mananthavadi, Wayanad is another student who has been benefited by the Vidyamritam scholarship provided to students who can’t afford their studies. Thanks to the scholarship scheme, he is now pursuing his first year studies at the ITC-Gwalior and expects to get a job this field in the next three years. After his […]

Vishnu, a slim, smart and active kid and an 8th grader from Kalpetta is one among the many talented students on whom fate has been really harsh. A heart-attack separated his father, the only earning member in the family, from him. His father was tailor and earned a meager amount in which his studies and […]

Namah shivaya I  wanted to share with you all an interesting conversation I had with one of our First year ECE students this evening. His name is Anand. Some of you may be able to relate to it. I have heard innumerable such stories over the past 17 years since meeting Amma, but coming from […]

Basically I am devotional and heard of Amma when I was a kid. I felt Amma’s sayings as great inspiration to mankind and is the driving force to success in life. I felt very enthusiastic to meet Amma and 5 yrs back I got an opportunity to meet Amma with my mother and father. After […]

As part of Vidyamritam, many events and competitions were conducted under various categories, such as elocution, essay writing, painting, story- telling, etc., so as to bring out the latent talents, within the young minds. The semi-finals of elocution event took place today (25’th Sept.) at 10 AM. A total of 80 children participated, out of […]

Date: September 25, 2009; 11:30 AM Venue: Under Construction Hall where AMMA’s birthday will be celebrated Happy to report to you from the venue of Amma’s birthday celebrations! “All roads lead to Amritapuri” will not be an understatement, the way streams of children and their parents are pouring into Mata Amritanandamayi Math and the Amrita […]

Sreeranjini, 8th standard, Kozhimala, Idukki District “My teacher told me that Mata Amritanandamayi Devi was giving scholarships. Before that, I’d never heard of Amma nor her ashram. I sent an application directly to Amma’s address. Amma read my letter and gave me Vidyamritam,” recollects Sreeranjini, a student in the 8th standard from the remote village […]

25-09-2009, 2.24 P.M Amma’s birthday is the most celebrated event for the whole Amrita family. It is not only an opportunity to be part of the birthday, but also a golden chance to serve thousands at once. For the massive crowd pouring into Amritapuri from all over the world, several thousands of devotees, students and […]

Just watching you, enthralls me for ever. Just by one look, you, charge my spirit full. Entire world reflects, behind retina of time. I try deciphering images, but none lasts long in vision. All I have seen was unreal, except your pure smile. I delve deep into your dream, rolling a role; you designed. Awe […]