18 Apr 2009, Kochi We are in Cochin, in our ashram here. It is sweltering, even if we sit, without doing anything, still we almost melt away. But in the midst of all this sits Love in a human form, giving darshan to all Her children. Yesterday there had been a devotee who wanted things […]

Back in 1991, Singapore sisters, Renu and Preetha, were lively, fun loving tiny tots who often went on tour with the Amma’s group.  At the Mauritius airport that year, I noticed the girls in tears.  Swami Ramakrishna asked them what the matter was. They said that someone had called them “little devils.” They tearfully asked, […]

8 march 2009, enroute tiruvalla to amritapuri it was special but not a surprise. on the way back from tiruvalla programme, amma visited an old house. it has not been painted for years, not modified for the last 30 years at least. situated on the side of the main road,  this is one of the […]

Days are falling like leaves of tree, My journey is still going on and on. Know nothing from where did I start! Know nothing where am I going! O Mother! My legs are weak to walk near Thee, Hands are tied can’t hold Thy feet, Eyes are swollen that hides Thou vision, My journey is […]

Every year Amma tops off Her South India tour with the North India tour. Traveling in several buses, She and Her children cut across the great Gangetic plains for nearly two months, giving darshan.  Enroute she passes through the city of Mumbai and every year thousands wait for Her arrival. Before She comes, Swami Amritaswarupanandji […]

Hearing about the terrible suffering of the children of Gaza, and a plea for cards to be sent to those children severely traumatised, a devotee from Canada felt deeply moved to write cards to them. But the practicalities proved to be challenging. What could be done by just one person? She realised that the message […]

Slowly and unwillingly it fell, the li’l tear drop. and, followed many in a stream, They all gathered at Her feet. and, each held a piece, of my ruptured heart. They knew no  boundless joy, Nor the hymns in Her praise. Only ,the solitude of the heart, and the farway cry. saying silently, as they […]

Indian ‘hugging saint’ won’t leave till everyone in queue has been embraced By Hedy Khoo, The Electric Newspaper March 31, 2009 SHE waited 16 hours for a hug that lasted mere seconds. But for Filipina Evangeline Alivio, it was worth the long wait. The 36-year-old civil servant flew here from the Philippines with 20 friends […]

25 Mar 2009, Bangalore That was a solemn Shani puja evening in Bangalore. Amma was giving Satsang prior to Puja instructions. The translator was translating, and Amma, having nothing to do, started throwing Her enchanting love glances at the little children in the audience. The front-ramp was tightly occupied by little children and young students […]