I belonged once to the Planet Earth, Where millions of people toiled day and night, To earn their bread, to raise their children, But lived in agony, survived their days in fright. The people there start their days, with a cup of tea And a peril which they can stumble upon every moment None has […]

 9 aug 2008 different people come to amma for different reasons. sometimes its interesting to know, what brings them to amma. i met monisha, 11 years,  from chennai amrita vidyalayam, who participated in the asian chess competition held recently in iran. she got the 2nd prize. she wants to be recognized as a grand master […]

I have found a new source of enjoyment in my current seva.  It is sorting the recycling into categories that can be sold or disposed of.  Bins are collected from all over the ashram; the burnable items are separated and taken to be burnt; then we sort the remainder by type: plastic water bottles, other […]

16 aug 2008, amritapuri the children from washim send a rakhi for amma with a letter saying that “you came to washim, showered your love in our depressed life. on that day, we took bath in the divine light and love. we still very much remember that moment in our minds. we are very grateful […]

16 aug 2008, amritapuri the festival season has begun in amritapuri. actually it began two weeks ago when amma came back from the japan-usa tour.  two days back, it was independence day. that night, after dinner, witnessed a lot of cultural programs. today is raksha bandan – the day sisters tie rakhi on the wrist […]

Last night the Independence Day of India was celebrated with plays and dances by students of Amrita University and of course the magnificent Bharata Mata Puja. I think everyone enjoyed one dance in particular where all the different costumes and style of India were paraded one after the other.  Another highlight was when one of […]

13 aug 2008, Amritapuri i was there with amma by her side during darshan. one foreigner asked me to translate his question to amma. for the past 16 years this man has been coming to amma. he asked: “my discrimination and self-will are propelled by the ego, not by the will of the self or […]

The other day I was struck by the opposites that can be found in the ashram; I struggled up to the 17th floor with my full bucket of washing, hand-scrubbed in dirty orange water resembling a shade of lucozade – ( I don’t know why the water has suddenly gone that colour), I fought my […]

Amma walked onto the stage hand in hand with one old lady who is a permanent resident in the ashram and with old age has become like a little child. It’s very sweet to watch her innocent approach towards Amma as she holds her hand and chats away about all kind of things without any […]