Poem written by 8 year old Sarada after the last San Ramon program, as she could not bear to part from Amma: Amma, I surrender to you every day and night, When the half moon rises and when the little birds chirp… Whenever I see something that is dear to me, I see that it […]
O! Supreme Divine Mother, offering a song to Thee O! Supreme Divine Mother, stars studded in Thy crown, On Thy forehead we find, so beautiful the crescent moon. Ma, all Gods wearing clothes of yellowish hue praising Thee, Even so in tottering praises, Thy child offers a song to Thee . The fire […]
Stars keep twinkling in sky Sunrays illumine the world around.. Rivers keep flowing… Amma touches the sad hearts and consoles them.. What a beautiful presence she is, the big pure love eyes she has… love to merge in them… Have you seen love talking, walking listening, laughing, smiling, hugging… Amma is love only… She keeps […]
Question 192: “Amma says: ‘The attitude “I will only accept success” is wrong. Learn to also accept the responsibility of failure.’ How do you understand this?” Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).
My cataract is removed. With awe I open my eyes; as if seeing the world for the first time. A brave new world is unfolding before me by its full splendor. by its glow, glitter gleam n ’glamour. My retina receives a colour burst. Oh what I have missed all these time! Flowers in its […]
Amma your footsteps appear, in my heart which is full of eagerness and hopes. but I am unable to see you,when my heart home is empty of eagerness.. You are always eager to give me sublime experiences but alas when will i be ready? Sad when’ll i be able to bury my mind jungle inside my […]
I had this insight when swimming. The mantra I use is Ma Om. Under water I use Om. It is the internal. The effort you make in the stroke is up to you, no one can see, no one can do it for you. This is the relationship with the Self. When I come up […]
Question 191: “Amma says: ‘There are two types of education: education for livelihood and education for Life.’ How do you understand this?” Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).
Mother, when senses were my guide, Thoughts of selfishness kept me slide, Mother, never did I wonder “who am I?” Mother, when pleasures amused and ruled, Diseases dashed with the mind so lowered, Mother, never did I ponder “who am I?” Mother, days and nights so many rolled, Seasons and monsoons many enthralled, Mother, never […]