18 Jan 2008, Covai It’s that time of year again.  the time when new bhajans flow forth. Lyrics are penned and new melodies are composed for the upcoming tours.  For many, they will become the defining sounds of 2008. The two evenings before the South Indian Tour, after dinner, Amma headed to the stage in […]

18 jan 2008, Covai Here is Amma’s first program this year in Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu is a place with a really deep spiritual culture, probably the home of more saints then anywhere else. The culture is seen in the devotees coming for darshan. There is many smiling faces, lots of devotion.. During the archana, […]

18 Jan 2008, coimbatoreThe other day I was discussing with one senior brahmachari about how many devotees who come to see Amma for the first time have extraordinary experiences. One example he said was a woman who had a dream where Amma appeared and gave her two coins, which she found in her hands when […]

18 Jan 2008, Covai Sitting on the second floor balcony, swaddled in my sari and caressing the last remnants of my morning chai, I am enjoying the morning sun – not yet burning with the ferocity that will later send me searching for shade.  My charkas spin and dance to the vibrations of the second […]

17 jan 2008, covai we reached covai past 8 p.m. amma was welcomed in the traditional way. now wherever amma goes people call out “mata rani ki jai”. its nice to watch the love and devotion in action in amma’s children. tamil people are characteristically very vociferous. i fail to understand why they speak so […]

17 Jan 2007, amritapuri amma started her bharata yatra 2008. in the first leg amma will travel through tamil nadu and come bak to amritapuri. past mid noon amma started off to coimbatore. other ashram buses with the residents and visitors from abroad left early in the morning. its a journey of 7-8 hours to […]

17 Jan 2007, Amritapuri. The other night, just after Bhajans, but before Arati, all the children who were sitting behind Amma got up and ran off the stage.  All of them, that is, except my 6 year old daughter Gaiamrita.  She had positioned herself sitting directly behind Amma and was sitting cross-legged, with spine straight.  […]

Question 37: “When you know that you hurt someone through action or word, do you usually succeeded in going back to apologize? When was the last time you did that?” ——————————— To post your answer, click on ‘Add Comment’. Please make your answer brief and clear.

14 jan 2007, amritapuri it is well past midnight. amma is continuing her marathon meet of hugging people. swamiji is singing in the hall. amma is on the stage. stage is full with her children from all around the world looking at her. suddenly amma turns around throws one piece of candy at one brahmachari […]