17 feb, bharata yatra 2008, mangalore we reached mangalore. i know there is a lot missing in between. i have nice stories to tell you. what to do? the dust and the cold disturbing me. but still i try to cover the events. if i wait, then you will miss the celebration of tomorrow. so […]

Talassery, 10-11 February 2008, During a recent tour stop in Talassery a friend was walking back from the ocean to the Amrita school where we were being housed.  As she approached the gates of the school she noticed a frog merrily hopping across the road, seemingly care-free and in not particular hurry.  Certainly it seemed […]

14 Feb 2008, Bangalore Some people say that the people in Bangalore are quickly losing their traditions due to fast modernization and western influence but watching the locals interact with Amma yesterday convinced me that at least they have not lost their devotion and love. Amma reached bangalore early in the morning so not everyone […]

13 Feb 2008 The Thalassery program was over and it was time to get on the busses and head towards Bangalore. It was raining most of the time so there was some doubt as to whether Amma would stop with us, but when night fell the caravan of busses came to a halt and everybody […]

13 feb, enroute Talassery to bangalore, Bharata yatra 2008 after kannur, we all stayed in talassery for another 2 days. the brahmasthanam ground is so small to hold the crowd thats coming for amma’s program. one could see many old faces coming for amma’s darshan. they have been coming to amma for the last two […]

What to do when Amma is gone…..The boys have returned to the stage, and the girls to the Temple for morning Archana and evening bhajans. The Arati bells have resumed their nightly chiming. Amma is physically away from Amritapuri and won’t be back until mid-April. The Ashram is very empty now. Almost all the Brahmacharis and […]

Question 43: “What is your favorite number? Why? What does it symbolize for you?” ———– To post your answer, click on ‘Add Comment’. Please make your answer clear.

9 feb, kannur, bharata yatra 2008 prasad giving is a big process in itself. the volunteers will be placing 2 or 3 prasad packets at a time to amma which she gives to the devotees while giving darshan. the sevaks train the volunteers for this one minute that they get to sit with amma. how […]

8 Feb, Kannur, Bharata yatra 2008 Last night we arrived at the Talassery Amrita Vidyalayam which will be our accommodation for both the public and the Brahmasthanam programs. I’ve always liked the northern parts of Kerala for retaining a great deal of tradition, Kannur especially, so the bus ride was an enjoyment rather than tiring. […]