A unique birthday card send to Amma from Amma’s Russian at St Petersburg
Did you view the 3 special photo albums on our Amritapuri Facebook page covering the Krishna Jayanthi celebrations: Album 1 – Morning Cow Worship >> Album 2 – Afternoon Uriyadi games >> Album 3 – Night Krishna Bhajans >>
Few days ago, students from the Amritavidyalayam, Karwar school visited Amritapuri. They enjoyed getting Amma’s darshan, participated in seva and had the chance to attend satsangs. Their visit coincided on Tuesday, so they got their special lunch prasad from Amma’s hands. With care, she also called them to come sit close to her after the […]
Today afternoon, during Amma’s darshan, Sri Preman of Kottayam presented the story of Amma’s life through a traditional Harikatha performance. He was assisted by musicians playing various musical instruments. The team showed an enthusiasm that pleased all the people present in the hall. Harikatha is a form of spiritual and cultural story-telling, which is a […]

Last week during darshan, I remained at Amma’s side for some time. It wasn’t long before a middle-aged woman came for darshan. She was from central Kerala. It was her first time meeting Amma. She told Amma that early this year her husband had been fishing around 3:00 a.m., casting his net from the boat, […]

Under intermittent showers and sunshine, the Ganesh murti arrived in Amritapuri in the late afternoon of August 28th. The “Remover of Obstacles” was carried from the Ayurveda beach accompanied by enthusiastic singing and the majestic Lakshmi the elephant, wearing her festival regalia. The procession passed along the beach road of Amma’s natal village and the […]
Tumban is old now; so he is under care of one or the other ashram resident. He must be behaving like some adamant old people who want to eat just the thing prohibited. So his mouth is in a tiny basket. Like the ignorant young ones of cows have. He is brought to Amma’s door […]
If you ask me which bird I like the most, I have no answer. But I can definitely say that magpie robins are the best singing birds in all of India I have known from Himalayas to Kerala. They are ‘voracious’ singers. Almost year around, every morning and evening their routine is to sit on […]

2 April 2014, Amritapuri Since Thursday evening Bhakti’s mood is changed. When Amma was away on Ernakulam and Trissur tour till then, I saw her in forlorn mood, sitting just anywhere, and only raising brows to look up at anyone who called her, never raising the head. So forlorn! Yesterday evening Amma arrived in the […]