watching ’embracing the world’ video triggered some memories in me. it was sometime in 1998 and i had been a part of amma’s free housing project – amrita kuteeram. amma had organized a team of volunteers which was to build 25 thousand free houses for the poor. as a forerunner, we visited every applicant’s address […]

This is a letter written to Amma by an ex resident of the Ashram. Sharing this for the benefit of Amma devotees. — My dear friend, Even though I address you in this way, to me you are beyond that.  I recall, more and more, what you said to me when I left the ashram […]

25 May Buffalo, NY I was fortunate to be there and want to share my experience with all of you. It was a historic occasion , probably one of a kind .. It was a great moment  that a university in US would choose to confer a doctorate not on a scientist or an engineer […]

28 April 2010 – Kochi amma sometimes would visit a devotee’s place. at the house, she would first perform a puja and then would gather to talk with the family members. likewise during one visit in kochi, after the puja, amma was meeting with the family privately in a room. after few minutes, the little […]

Today we went on a safari around the Athi River side of the Amrita children’s Home property line. We were surveying the construction site,taking documentation of the physical boundaries of the 11 acre plot. We found a mature indigenous tulsi plant with seed pods, so we collected them for our tulsi start. We also saw […]

Few days back, one ashramite asked the other, “Why do you smell bad?” the latter said, “I am back from my seva.” The former frowned, “I wonder when computers started stinking?” The latter said, “No! Today I got a chance to do a unique seva. You get a chance to do this seva once in […]

Around 4 AM on the 5th of October there was a call from Amma enquiring on the on flood situation in Andhra Pradesh. I conveyed the information that I had gathered from the media and also our devotees circle in AP. The situation there was pretty bad and it was said that this was the […]

25 sep 2009, Amritapuri Every year, students and staff of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham are active participants various service activities that an event of such large scale as Amma’s birthday celebrations entail. This year, their services call for something more than just their physical presence at the venue, but compassionate commitment towards a group of children […]

Sreeranjini, 8th standard, Kozhimala, Idukki District “My teacher told me that Mata Amritanandamayi Devi was giving scholarships. Before that, I’d never heard of Amma nor her ashram. I sent an application directly to Amma’s address. Amma read my letter and gave me Vidyamritam,” recollects Sreeranjini, a student in the 8th standard from the remote village […]