When Amma received the New York Interfaith Center award, Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) interviewed Amma and published a story and video on their web site. PBS is the US national education television station. To see the article go to: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/week936/feature.html

Italian National TV RAI3, ran a nice “piece” on Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, on her visit to the country. Milan, Italy (Nov 2-4), 2006 Europe Yatra

Here is a piece on Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, shown on the popular French national TV2 news show: “13 Heurs during her visit to Europe 2006 October 28- 31

Living Hindu saint embraces thousands published: Thursday | September 7, 2006 Do you need a hug? How about 75,000 hugs in less than a day? A bit much? Well, if you’re Amma, the living Hindu saint of hugs, then it’s all in a day’s work. Amma, which means ‘divine mother’, is the nickname given to […]

Jan Kounen’s awestruck film follows the mahatma from one jampacked event to another, eavesdropping as she offers advice on everything from caring for a skin condition to the correct way to feed an elephant. (The elephant, unbelievably, looks ecstatic.) “Mr. Kounen, who is Dutch, wants everyone to share his captivation: watching the white-garbed faithful line […]