5 Nov 2008 Question

Q91: Biggest fear?

Question 91:
“What is your biggest fear in life?”
To post your answer, click on ‘Add Comment’. Please think well before you answer, and make your answer brief and clear.

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  1. I’m afraid that I won’t get to know Amma better. And I’m afraid that I may forget Amma when I die. I just don’t want to forget Her and be born into another life without Amma. I pray to Amma, please let me know you better and help me to let go of this fear. Let me have full faith that you will never leave me and that you are in everyone and everything.

  2. falling prey to desires

  3. No fear AMMA is holding us.

  4. of diseases.., of left alone in darkness,.. of being dejected,… of being carried away by worldly thoughts,..of past and the future,… of being alive…..
    the biggest one is LOOSING FAITH……….

  5. My fear in this life is that I move away from truth and from my Dharma..

  6. The biggest fear is ‘DEATH’. But this fear does haunt only occasionally.
    The fear which haunts very often is whether the ego is trying to conquer the devotion and humility within. May Amma bless me to cherish the devotion throughout.

  7. Amma is there to remove our fears. I have trust in Her. I am somebody that has a lot of stress & anxiety daily, I had panic attacks & medication to relief the attacks. Since I know Amma, I don’t have them anymore. I still feel stressed & anxious sometimes but I could cut my medication more than 50% since I am aware of Amma’s presence in my life. When I do feel pain in my chest, I do japa and it goes away. Amma is my medication for fear…

  8. Actually the biggest fear of everybody in the world is fear of Death. One can say i enjoyed everything in this world and i am ever ready to die. But we can observe that when the God of Death is coming we are not ready to go but pray or request God to ’save’ us. In order to come out of this fear one should have the right knowledge of the nature of the Pure Self(Conciousness). The knowledge of infinity, non perishable etc. The knowledge of that the body is perishing.

  9. Sorry, I must say I am ashamed because I fear even all silly things life. What to speak of the biggest fear. If it were, it must the silliest thing, i.e. the death of the body.
    Of course, it’s surely due to lack of the understanding of life.

  10. That I will forget Lord Krishna.

  11. I beleive that all humans share the same biggest fear, towards which they dedicate huge amounts of emotional and mind energy: It is the fear of not getting enough appreciation or attention (any kind of attention) from others! of course it is the ego that seeks this, so that it feels important and stays in a superficial illusion of ‘happiness’…

  12. That I won’t progress well in the spiritual path or will fall away from it. There is no greater waste of a life than when it is not used to discover the Imperishable.

  13. i used to be scared of many things. Mostly of being alone. Then one day i went up to Amma for darsan feeling very lonely and sad and She whispered in my ears: Mine, mine, mine, mine… if we are all Hers then what’s left for us to be afraid of?

  14. Generally speaking we are all afraid of Death. Even though death is the only certain thing in Life, we are never able to come to terms with this truth.
    My greatest fear is losing faith, losing enthusiasm to do good things, losing the initiative to do Sadhana, leading a dull life etc. I always pray Amma to make me an innocent child who can sit always at the lotus feet of Amma and help in all her endeavours.
    I always try to remember Amma’s words “WHY FEAR WHEN I AM WITH YOU”. That is my consolation and Inspiration.

  15. That i will forget the ultimate goal of devotion and self – realization by entangling myself in maya.

  16. Big or small fear is fear and I believe each and every one fear, except realized souls. One who surrenders himself to his Guru won’t need to fear, so as me.

  17. Each and every particle is within my beloved AMMA. I am under her divine shelter and have surrendered to her lotus feet, I have nothing to fear about

  18. I can’t say which is my biggest fear…it depends upon the situation…though I have faith in Amma that I am safe in her hands…my fears still remain as far as my ego is alive…for example I am afraid of snakes….and if a snake crawls into my room now…for that moment that would be the biggest fear…however silly it may appear later…

  19. May Amma deliver me from the fear of passing time!

  20. My biggest fear is fear itself. Because it would stop me from doing loads of things in life. I have faith in Amma to remove my fear.

  21. Swami Vivekananda says: “FEAR IS THE RESULT OF IMAGINATION ” so why should u imagine unnecessarily ….And moreover ,if u really beleive in our BELOVED AMMA then i think this question is invalid….amma is always with us….then why should fear arise?

  22. my greatest fear is that whether i forget a moment to remember the sweet memories of the Lotus feet of my beloved Lord..My Krishna!! And also afraid that whether I commit any mistake (knowingly or unknowingly) at the Ultar of my beloved Lord. One more thing that i feel very ashamed to say is that i am afraid of whether my Krishna loves anybody more than Radhika.

  23. Perhaps, our desires are the reason for all fears. When there are no desires then there may not be any reason for fear.

  24. My biggest fear is the thought of my son suffering through an illness and dying before me

  25. My Big Fear it is to loose time in this life after life game, and not be clean enough to come back to the Divine Eternal Mother each time, to reach the one eternity in Her.

  26. My biggest fear is that our darling Amma does not look after her physical form. She is always working so hard bringing love to everyone and tends to neglect her own physical state. I love Amma so much and that is why I fear this.

  27. My biggest fear is to forget Amma’s teachings and go back to my old ways of feeling insecure, useless, being lazy ,wasting a lot of time, losing my peace of mind

  28. My biggest fear is that i can’t practice Amma’s word in my day to day life. not even 30%. i will thankful if someone prays for me for that.

  29. My biggest fear is that Amma will become impatient with me and give up. It’s like the ultimate ego. The ego thinks it can defeat Amma.

  30. my favorite teaching from the upanishad is: ‘the very idea of an ‘other’ gives rise to fear’.
    i am paraphrasing here, of course. but fear is something that i did not know much about growing up, but 3 years ago i descended into fear. i lived in it for a month or so, experiencing it mostly through the night, where you can’t distract yourself from it too much.
    in this time i have thought a lot about it. and it seems to me that, as someone pointed out earlier, that fear is fear. it doesn’t matter what it is that one fears, whatever it might be, it is a mechanism to experience fear, which is nothing but the ego, this fear that it might lose its idea of self, a separate self.

  31. My biggest fear in my life is in this moment – that someone or something like the “normal life” killed my inspiration of AMMA.
    I hope, I´ll find the right way – to live my way! I hope that for all of us! And many thanks to AMMA for the right energy and the right words in the right moment, for all of us!

  32. I don’t like it when fear crops up in my mind. Therefore my Biggest fear is Fear itself 🙂

  33. my greatest fear in life is losing devotion…never would i want to go away from ammachi…unflinching devotion even in thw worst of situations is wat i pray for….

  34. To feel I am left alone without the love of god

  35. Surrender to amma and don’t separate yourself from amma, absolutely no fear will be there. Experience the essence. This is my experience. I am safe in amma’s hand

  36. “The biggest fear” of mine is that I miss to notice my “negative” thoughts, words, actions, which will transform to bad habits & character, and lead me in wrong ways.

  37. To get Alzheimer one day and become a burden on my beloved ones

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