24 Dec 2012 AshramDiary

Deck the Halls

Tonight is Christmas Eve and Amritapuri is filled with sights and sounds reflective of this Holiday Season.   If you happened to be in the hall this afternoon, one could hear joyous songs coming from the stage, where devotees from all over the globe were practicing for this evening’s annual Xmas play.  Or if you were in the canteen, you would see dozens of sevites putting the finishing touches on the Xmas cake that Amma will distribute tonight (Xmas Eve).  The base of Amma’s home is beautifully decorated with a small Xmas tree filled with festive ornaments, including a small Nativity scene, and the staircase leading up to Her room is adorned with holiday symbols.  Another small nativity scene and Christmas tree stand in the Canteen.



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Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. Those cakes look yummy! They are making me hungry, I really want some 🙂

  2. It’s Christmas Time, the time to celebrate. The time to spread peace, harmony and unconditional love across the world, regardless of caste, creed, sex and religion.
    Wishing all the devotees, disciples,and children(followers)of Amma, a very Prosperous and Happy Christmas.
    “Om Tat Sat”

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