Normally one would not write a post about bathrooms. But then, we aren’t usually talking about “Amma” bathrooms! The facilities at Amma’s programs are amazingly decorated. It is a joy to enter them. Each city and country has a different flavor. In Switzerland, the decorations were vines and autumn flowers. In Berlin, lovely paper hearts, cut from gift wrapping paper, adorned each stall door. In fact, paper hearts were everywhere in Berlin. In Mannheim, the bathrooms had inspiring quotes taped in strategic locations and roses in glass dishes filled with pebbles adorned the sinks! Guru Kripa incense kept any offensive odours at bay.

The facilities were always spotless and a troop of enthusiastic cleaners patrolled day and night. They really seemed to enjoy their work. It reminded me of years ago when we were still living in huts at Amritapuri, where the bramhacharinis’ building now is. Amma asked us to clean the toilets regularly ourselves. We made a sign up list and Swamini Krishnamrita set the example by signing up first. I still remember what I heard her saying as she signed her name. “Everyone loves a clean toilet. It makes people so happy!” And it is so true.

Amma has been telling us over and over again that the key to true happiness is service. She explains that once we taste the bliss of open hearted selfless service we will never forget it and crave it more and more. We can see that joy in service everywhere on the Europe Tour, particularly in the unlikely venue of the bathrooms!

Rta S
Mannheim, Germany
Europe Tour, 2013

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Please do write more about cleanliness of bathrooms.
    Since our senses are so degenerated we can’t sense the ill-effects of unattended garbage, rotten piles, or unclean living conditions. Praying to AMMA to guide us keeping surroundings clean, else human existence will be in danger due to bacilli, viruses etc…

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