21 Oct 2007, Amritapuri it’s always blissful during puja holidays. it didn’t start just now.  since my school days it has been like that. even if you get two months vacation you are not as happy as during puja holidays. what is the great thing about puja holidays? hey ! it’s the only 3 days  […]


Red….or was it maroon?  Again, the conflicting images on the main screen and the laptop made it hard to determine the true color.  Someone said ‘looks like Campbell Soup red’.  Another said ‘almost red’.  Yet another said it was ‘so red, not an off-red, not pink. It was bright, flaming red.’ Anyway, there was big […]

Munich, Germany 21.10 The journey from Switzerland to Germany was very scenic with deep forests and mountainous ranges. At one point we had to drive our van to a ferry and cross the beautiful lake Bodensee, a place where Switzerland, Austria and Germany meet. The drive to Munich was not that long and we arrived […]

20 Oct 2007, Amritapuri Outside it was pouring rain. But inside the Main Hall, on the stage, it was pouring love – both to and from the screen. It’s Devi Bhava again in Amritapuri – this time web cast from Switzerland. The bell rang at 10:30pm announcing that the connection had been established and Amma […]

18.10.2007, Winterthur, Switzerland Amma’s tour started in Holland this year and now She is in Switzerland. The programs in both places are of an average size I would say. Both the Dutch and Swiss people are by nature calm and reserved but also very friendly and warm. During the break in between the morning and […]

16 Oct 2007, Amritapuri Devi Bhava ended this morning in Amritapuri (or Holland, depending on where you are physically). When the connection was first made around 9:30, Swamiji was chanting the 1000 names.   Many of the international visitors were in the Canteen eating breakfast at the time.  Swamiji’s voice boomed throughout the hall and we […]

15 Oct 2007, Amritapuri Actually, it’s Devi Bhava in Holland, and earlier this evening, we were watching it through the webcast, but who would have known the difference? Well over a hundred Brahmacharis had gathered on the stage in the main hall to get their first glimpse of Amma since She left for the Europe/US […]

13 Oct 2007, Amritapuri arjun and his wife live in the ashram. it was last sunday when arjun and sampurna (from Austria) did the padapuja. amma had been giving darshan since 10.am. at the end of darshan at around 3.00 am their turn came to do the padapuja. i was by the side of amma […]

Oct. 13, 2007, Amritapuri This incident happened some time ago, but I was meaning to write about it and only now had the motivation to do so. Around the time before Amma’s 54th birthday, I was sitting near Amma while She was giving darshan on the stage. One small boy was near Amma, and Amma […]