Fools know Me as who have assumed human form Swami Kaivalayananda discussed another important verse in the 9th chapter; ‘Avajananti mam mudhah, manushim tanum asritam,Param bhavam ajananto mama bhutamaheshvaram.’ Here the Lord says, ‘fools curse Me, who have assumed human form! They don’t know my supreme nature, as the Lord of all beings.’ One interesting […]

Swami continued the discussions on the ninth chapter of the Gita, with an often mistunderstood verse; ‘mam hi partha vyapasritya, yepi syur papayonayah, striyas vaishyas tatha shudras, tepi yanti param gatim.’ This is a part where many people become confused. The Lord says, even if one is born of a sinful womb, such as women, […]

this time it was from seattle, usa – the live webcast of devi bhava.amma was giving devi bhava darshan in blue colour sari. the darshan over just now.amma was talking to the ashramites … enquiring about health, meditation calsses… Amma is so beautiful…. asked us to open our mouth she gave sweet (virtually) to all […]

May 29, 2007 Today, Swami Kaivalyananda discussed some important verses of the Gita. One of these is, ‘patram pushpam phalam toyam, yo me bhaktya prayacchati, tadaham bhaktyupahrtam, ashnami prayatatmanah.’ Gita 9, 26. Here, it says that whatever a devotee offers the Lord, whether a leaf, flower, fruits, or water, the Lord partakes of that offering […]

Yoga Kshemam Vahamyaham Today, Swami Kaivalyananda discussed a few shlokas from the beginning of the ninth chapter of the Gita. One in particular is the 22nd;‘ananyascintayanto mam, ye janah paryupasate, tesham nityabhiyuktanam, yoga kshemam vahamyaham.’ This shloka has been misinterpreted by many modern commentators. The phrase ‘yoga kshemam vahamyaham‘ literally means, ‘I will take care […]

27 may 2007, amritapuri the rain has started. slowly the heat is reducing. the summer is disappearing. yesterday and today we had good rains. we also had the bonus of thunder and heavy lightning. the cuckoos which were singing day and night, now actually stopped singing. no, wait, i heard its voice twice or thrice […]

it was from japan this time. our beloved amma was in giving devi bhava darshan. she was in purple colour sari. it was web casted to amritapuri. there was a big thunder storm and rain this evening. we lost the internet connection. we could not see the end of devi bhava. 26 may 2007dhyanamrita

Today Amma came out during the day to give last instructions to all the brahmacharis and brahmacarinis for the time when she will be gone on the tour. The mission is so big these days that nobody will have time to sit idle, there’s so much to do. Amma will be leaving sometime in the […]

Today Amma took a break from her enormous task of seeing personally every resident in the ashram and came for bhajans. I’ve said it a thousand times but I’ll say it again, there is nothing like Amma’s bhajans and the closer it comes to her departure from Amritapuri the more one appreciates that while she […]