When Amma came for bhajans tonight I was struck once again by the grace and ease that She moves, almost like She is gliding slightly above the ground. Not that She is but it creates that impression. What it is it about Amma, that you never get tired of seeing Her, that there is always […]

new year eve was quite an eventful one. whole day i was busy. 14 baby feedings, 2 padapujas … i was on my feet to click-click-click. in between amma said ‘no photos’ to me. so some one else was taking photos of the function. there were few stage performances and then amma’s bhajans followed by […]

Tonights bhajans were really nice. Albhuta charitre is for some reason one of my favorites. It was especially impressive tonight. At one point tonight as I started to announce one bhajan, something was holding my voice back and only a croak came out of the soundsystem. Amma turned towards me laughing and then made some […]

Most of the Brahmacharies from Engineering college faculty as well as other divisions), including me, were busy from morning onwards preparing for the stage-play that we were thinking of enacting in front of our Beloved Amma, on New Year eve. A day before, I was told that I will be performing the role of a […]

First day of 2007. I hope all of us have made some good resolves for next year. Like Amma said last night we also have to put these into practice. Just dreaming without acting is a waste of time. Today before bhajans there was a Kathakali (traditional sacred dance in Kerala) performance so bhajans started […]

I recall 13 years ago in Seattle, my three year old daughter and I were granted an unexpected darshan with Amma. It was our second opportunity to meet with this inspiring Saint from India named “Amma”. However, when we arrived late at the Church of Truth that Monday evening, the hall was filled to capacity […]

Today in the temple while i was stage monitorinng, a woman was holding her three year old infant while coming before Amma for her darshan. The woman began to cry and so unexpectedly her little boy (who was still so tiny may be two years old?) began to caress his mothers cheek and pat her […]

It was Akhilesh who stole the whole show last night. For more than 90 minutes he was talking to Amma non-stop! That too while Amma was giving darshan. Akhilesh is from Pune. He is four years old. He speaks only Marati. He was telling Amma so many things that no one could understand. First of […]

One of the good things about the 10 and a half hour time difference between New York and Amritapuri is that this usually late riser has been able to naturally get out of bed with the first ashram bell at 3:50 a.m. and enjoy the peace of brahmamuhurta here in Amma’s main ashram. As I […]