30 Dec 2006 AshramDiary

Jai Jetlag

One of the good things about the 10 and a half hour time difference between New York and Amritapuri is that this usually late riser has been able to naturally get out of bed with the first ashram bell at 3:50 a.m. and enjoy the peace of brahmamuhurta here in Amma’s main ashram.

As I walk across the early morning grounds the Indian ladies float like apparitions in white, as they sweep the sand into crescent patterns that resemble Amma’s closed eyelids as She meditates.

I sit in the kalari, where the only light comes from the lamps and sacrificial fire and the only sound is the pujari’s clear bell and the flute-like voices of the girls as they chant in the near-by temple. After taking prasad, I settle in the temple itself, where I chant the mantra just feet from where Amma gave it to me and chant the Names with-in sight of the Kali murti’s blissful and fierce countenance.

I arise fresh and whole, and back at my flat look at the sun, at 8 a.m. now warm and white, rise above the calm backwaters and green sea of coconut trees, thankful to have been blessed with what already feels like a full and sacred day.

Jai Ma! Jai jetlag!

Robert, New York
29 Dec 2006

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