Subtle attention of the Devi We were blessed to see the Devi Bhava also from Barcelona. Mother wore a blue sari. This time the quality of the images of webcam connection was the best till now. While her satsang was translated into Spanish Mother showed to the children sitting around her the webcam and our […]

We did not see very much of the end of the Devi Bhava in Barcelona. Only the very last ceremonies and when Mother threw flowers on the devotees. But when Mother was standing with flower petals in her hand I who happened to have my birth day that day thought: ‘Now I am so and […]

Italian National TV RAI3, ran a nice “piece” on Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, on her visit to the country. Milan, Italy (Nov 2-4), 2006 Europe Yatra

To resist Spanish ‘tapas’ one needs Indian ‘tapas’ During Mother’s Devi Bhava in Barcelona the webcam team went around the program place and transmitted us for few hours images from everything like book stalls, Amma dolls, tables of AmritaTV, of CDs, of French ashram, etc. We saw many ashramites and devotees either passing by or […]

To resist Spanish ‘tapas’ one needs Indian ‘tapas’ During Mother’s Devi Bhava in Barcelona the webcam team went around the program place and transmitted us for few hours images from everything like book stalls, Amma dolls, tables of AmritaTV, of CDs, of French ashram, etc. We saw many ashramites and devotees either passing by or […]

It was at 3.30 a.m., when I woke up. The half-an-hour nap the previous noon had help me get up quite early. I peeped out of the western window of the the 6th floor. The full moon was shining brightly with scattered white clouds in the blue-black sky and no starts nearby, while on the […]

After a long time, I went for a long walk today, ending up at the beach. The sea is now bringing in sand, as if to increase the amount of sand on the shore. I sat on one of the rocks there for meditation. It wasn’t raining today unlike the last few days when it […]

Today Swami again explained part of the 26th shloka in the 5th chapter of the Gita, ‘Yontarsukhontararama..’ ‘Who ever has inner happiness, inner delight, inner light, he is a Yogi, and attains the Nirvana of Brahman.’ Today, we focused on the meaning of ‘antaramam,’ inner delight.’ This is a specialty of happiness that is eternal. […]

I could not join the concreting seva at the bridge , as I had so much work to do. While working in the computer room, the phone rang. It was Jaya, who teaches hatha yoga in the ashram. She wanted to speak to someone. Recognizing my voice, she said, “Hey, what are you doing there? […]