13 Nov 2006 AshramDiary

Attention of Devi

Subtle attention of the Devi
We were blessed to see the Devi Bhava also from Barcelona. Mother wore a blue sari. This time the quality of the images of webcam connection was the best till now.

While her satsang was translated into Spanish Mother showed to the children sitting around her the webcam and our pictures on the laptop screen that was near her. She always wants them to know about us in Amritapuri. There was one small boy who was behind Mother. When he knew we will see them he started waving his hand every once and a while to us creating a lot joy in us.

Before the Devi Bhava starts Mother often talks few words to her Indian ashramites in Malayalam. Those of us who do not speak Malayalam usually don’t expect any attention from Mother in that sense. But sometimes it just happens in an unexpected way. That was the case with a Western brahmacharini in white, with name Anandi, who surely was not ‘casually’ from Spain.

She was in her room and for some reason she did not hear the bell calling everybody to come and see the end of the Devi Bhava. But suddenly she felt that something ‘pulled’ her and she just quickly wrapped an orange shawl around her shoulder and run to the temple. The colors change a little bit during the webcam so her shawl maybe looked rather ochre when the camera moved showing us to Mother. Suddenly Mother exclaimed, ‘Who is that sanyasin there?’ Soon everyone in the temple turned their eyes on that resident and laughed loudly. Then they told Mother who she was and that it was only the shawl not the sari that was ochre. Bri. Anandi was totally confused about this sudden attention. But later she was in great bliss because she knew whatever it meant it was a great blessing from Mother.

Ahalya, Finland, 11 Nov 2006

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