Amma is the pure, blessed One. Look at any photo from the old days when she was ‘just a teenage girl Ha!’ and a photo from this year and look at the eyes in both photos. See what I mean! Nothing has changed, nothing. Amma is pure beyond words. Amma is ever-changeless. She is the […]

This year the ashram seems home more than before as I arrive after a summer away from the ashram. The loving greetings exchanged between the residents and visitors from all over the world have warmed all hearts. People seem very sweet and relaxed, perhaps because the hard physical work that followed the tsunami was replaced […]

Om Namah Shivaya.. Its nice to see an Ashram diary Blog site.. where all the thoughts are put together. This happened many years back.. My parents were getting ready to meet someone… & I heard them speaking about this Lady who blesses people & that it might worth be a visit.. I wanted to go […]

– Amma’s orphanage at Parippally Fifty-one people from all over the world spent the day with children at the orphanage. They danced and sang for each other; the best form of communication as many people spoke only Spanish, French, Italian and even Czech. The children were particularly fascinated by a singer from the Cameroons who […]

Tiredness is beginning to accumulate.Standing in the lift, already hot and sticky, on the ninth floor of E block at 4.30am this morning with a group of people from all over the world, all yawning and looking groggy-eyed, I smiled to myself and thought how only Amma could bring us all together in this rather […]

Om Amriteshvaryai Namah It’s been a hectic week at Amritapuri. Amma has been giving satsangs in the temple every day this week. On Thursday Amma asked for questions and answers but no one had any. One of the devotees started a long speech in praise of Amma while she looked alternately amused and embarrassed. He […]

Mukti, my wife, and I went to darshan about 2AM at the last Devi Bava in San Ramone this past June. Amma asked us to sit near her. A young Indian woman came for darshan to ask many detailed questions in a mixture of Hindi, Malayalam, and English. We heard the word “physics” pop into […]

A lot of new bhajans tonight, I was feeling tired and sleepy and then suddenly Amma began to sing one of the old songs : “Albhuta Charitre Amara Vandite” ” O Thou to whom the celestials bow down, whose tale is wonderful, grant us the strength to be devoted to Thy feet – We offer […]

Returning to Amritapuri after a gap of three years; how would it be? Would it have changed beyond all recognition? I had heard stories of tight security, going through airport-style detectors to get into the darshan hall. Would I feel at home? Would I get a chance to get near Amma? As I entered the […]