Returning to Amritapuri after a gap of three years; how would it be? Would it have changed beyond all recognition? I had heard stories of tight security, going through airport-style detectors to get into the darshan hall. Would I feel at home? Would I get a chance to get near Amma?
As I entered the ashram with my family we saw everyone in the temple standing, as I thought, waiting for Amma to come down. ‘That’s nice’ I thought, ‘ we’ve arrived just in time to see Amma’ We went upstairs to the western office to register and found that Amma was still giving darshan in the hall below and was about to finish and return to her room. We were in just the right position. Jammed against the wall there was a wave of expectation signaling that Amma was on her way. She passed me and my son but did not even glance in our direction; she moved ahead and then suddenly stopped by my wife and children with a flash of recognition. She greeted them affectionately and then passed on to her room. I was a little disappointed but thought how fortunate we were to see Amma so close just as we arrived.
The same evening while sitting for bhajans someone tapped me on the shoulder; it was Stephano, the seva co-ordinator. He beckoned me to come outside. He wanted me to escort Amma to and from bhajans, and so would I help to provide “security” that evening. A small group of us were to stay near Amma and make sure no one blocked her way. We were told to be alert.
As the last song was finishing I took my position by the cafe, next to two girls from Austria who were waiting to see Amma. Amma came out from the stage and gracefully walked down the ramp, her arms outstretched with a serene look on her face, looking as though she was ready to embrace the world. As she was walking she suddenly stopped by the two girls and made a fuss of them. It was nice to be so close to her and then she turned to me with a big smile, playfully poked me and tugged at my chin. The she said a few words in Malayalam and Swamiji translated: “Mother was thinking of you during the American tour” What could be a nicer welcome to Amritapuri and I realised that I didn’t need to worry – Amma will always find a way to bring us near her when she wants to.
mikeray, UK
1 Aug 2006

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