Even as rainy season is on, song of birds never ceases in Amritapuri. Like the nature poet John Keats said, ‘Poetry of the earth is never dead.’ Robins and bulbuls feel gloomy to sing as much as they did last month, but can’t stop singing altogether, you see. Especially in the morning hours. That’s after […]

Over a decade ago, once Amma was talking to the ashram residents from the US over the phone. We were calling out “Amma! Amma!” expressing how much we were missing her, and Amma said “Oh, if Amma were a bird she would come flying to you, children!” Now while Amma is again on Her annual […]

19 May 2012, Amritapuri After the bhajan ended Amma marched straight down the ramp with a determined look. It was FRY day. In front of her were set up 8 dosa grills and 3 large vats for frying French fries. Amma immediately started cutting, herself, the 10 kilos of potatoes before her. She cut the […]

Last month, the Ecology department seva-ite took a problem up to Amma. “Amma, with huge amounts of bird pooh falling on our plants from the tall trees above, we cannot think of growing any edible greens or vegetables in our yard. The white pooh is all over the place, sometimes painting all our plants white.” […]

Every morning, we take our Krishna cows for grazing to our Kulithura Farm about a mile from the Ashram. One day, as we were returning from the field, we saw a man in the back waters use a long bamboo to try and free a five feet snake entangled in a fishing net. This happens […]

Some have asked me for the latest about the birds presented in the blog “Hatching in Amritapuri” which was posted 10 days ago… So, here are the updates: The egret’s chicks have hatched, and the baby crow is getting ready to leave its nest soon! Enjoy the recent pictures below. Amma’s wish for many birds […]

I can’t believe it has already been over 1 month since I have been at Amritapuri in the presence of the greatest living Avatar. To see Amma everyday and spend time in her presence is a great blessing in my life. I first met Amma in Australia in 2010. Last year I was lucky enough […]

The other day, while walking to the beach for the afternoon meditation, Amma heard some birds singing. While enjoying their melodies and chirping, she said to the ashramites walking with her: “ Amma had the wish to one day see many birds make Amritapuri their home. She had a wish that many birds build their […]

8 mar 2012, amrtapuri early in the day it was very much in the air that amma may play holi. when? no one knew. i saw some devotees walking around with some colour powder. so it was obvious that something might happen. but when? no one knew. remember? back in 2007, in mysore, one devotee […]