Amma, as an infant I loved only the shining Moon, Though the sky is vast, and it’s full of effulgent stars, Appended for Thy children to cherish divine dreams, As I grew young and adult, the world looked fatal, I could see the sky only covered with misty clouds, Lo! the habits turned my life […]
There is a sprout in my heart, still very freshly still. Many weeds crept on my trunk, entwined entangled all over. There is dew drop on it, hanging precariously. Entire world cascades on it. I realized its presence one day. Then I fell in love with it. But it fell on earth for ever. I […]
I just want to lean on your shoulder for a while. I just want to embrace ecstasy of your love. I just want to be a thought that thinks about you ever. I just want to be image of your graceful vision. Just fill me with fullness of your freedom. Make me thy child of […]
Outside the moon lights the sky, Often hidden by clouds, That is hidden by the leaves on the trees. I still see the moon shining. I see it, as it is a part of me. The petals on the flowers are blooming Morning glories, hydrangea, and lilies, All ready to greet the first morning light […]
A dew drop from heaven, just sits on a lotus-petal. Roseate hue refracts through. Day light slowly seeps into mist. As dawn gets lively; world wakes up, macro n’ microcosms reflects, on this heavenly droplet. The day comes alive all around. She just witnesses every action. Entire cosmic dream rolls on in a bubble, before […]
With due respect and adoration, I want to take an oath to protect my Mother Nature… We are turning the planet into a wasteland, destroying wildlife, contaminating Nature’s food chain… Thus, ruining the beauty of our planet… She takes away all our burden… I don’t want to be a exploiter, among other exploiters… I don’t […]
Faith that you are listening to my deep longing, and will answer my prayers… Faith that you are gazing at me, re-binding me in your love every moment… Faith that you are hearing me, making me remember your words and bring to me tears of joy… Faith that emerges in me Faith […]
My teacher took my fumbling hand; And guided me through the vein of darkness At the end of alley there was a spec of light! Real brightness, I thought. My beloved master suddenly stopped me. There was a sudden lightening all around. And in my mind too! Is it real? no. She guided me to […]
Nice little milk maid made sweet curds A pot of curds,a pot of curds.. Krishna O krishna, victory to you, My enchanting krishna… Nice little milk maid brought a water pail, she poured all water saying.. Krishna.. O krishna..victory to you, Oh blissful krishna.. Nice little milk maid brought a churner she churned all sweet […]