29 November 2008 San Ramon Dawn gave way to sunshine as Amma continued to give darshan through the morning.  Dozens if not nearly a hundred people were standing outside the hall waiting for the first rayso of the sun to clear the hilltops to the east.   A blissful serenity has befallen MA Center.   As the […]

29 November 2008 San Ramon Swamji was singing Jai Jai Satguru when the curtains opened at 9:10pm.  Amma was absolutely stunning in a sky blue sari.   Her face was beaming – a very peaceful and content beam.  Swamini waived the camphor flame while we all sang Arati and darshan began. Those who ventured down to […]

There is something very special about birds. Some of them so tiny, yet how they live beautiful lives! Singing glories, always singing glories. Always with the vast sky and the rest of the Nature. Wordsworth asks the Cuckoo, “Are you a bird or a wandering voice?” Near Kalari: There is a kind of tiny bird […]

That morning I was late by more than half an hour to go to unlock and open the terrace door of the E Building. Many things could have happened: I would have come across many frowning faces, or would have heard sneering words…. But none of them happened. They didn’t seem to mind the delay. […]

27 November 2008 San Ramon The second day of retreat in San Ramon fell on Thanksgiving.  A day to give thanks for life, for food, for good health, for friends, family, and our livelihoods.   But what a wonderful way to give thanks!  How blessed are we to have Amma in our lives and to be […]

26 November 2008 San Ramon The San Ramon Retreat began. During the day, a light steady rain fell – which was badly needed – but which made things a bit messy around the Ashram. Many of us quickly found out that our sneakers or shoes had previously-unnoticed holes which were now making our socks and […]

Tuesday evening almost felt like Devi Bhava.  The hall was so crowded for the last public program before the retreat that the ‘spinners’ (dancers who always congregate on the balcony) had to dance standing in place.  There was not a spare spot to sit or stand – every available space seemed to be occupied.   This […]

Question 95: “What is your answer for this classical one: Who came first the egg or the chicken?” To post your answer, click on ‘Add Comment’. Please think well before you answer, and make your answer brief and clear.

The second morning of programs in San Ramon began with skies filled with fog typical of the Bay Area.   Early risers were in the kitchen helping to chop veggies for lunch or dinner.   At around 10:20am, as has been tradition for many years, an announcement was made in the kitchen that Amma would be passing […]