29 November 2008
San Ramon

Dawn gave way to sunshine as Amma continued to give darshan through the morning.  Dozens if not nearly a hundred people were standing outside the hall waiting for the first rayso of the sun to clear the hilltops to the east.   A blissful serenity has befallen MA Center.   As the sun rose higher, the blue sky was adorned with white streaks of clouds and airplane trails – instantly reminding one of Amma inside with her blue sari adorned with golden threads.

Swami Ramakrishna was singing his set for some time when Swami Amritaswarupananda came for the final bhajans.  It was almost 10:50am when the last hug was given.  Abhishta Varadayike followed by Amritavahini boomed from the speakers.  Nine feeding ceremonies and one wedding later and Amma stood up from her peetham and approached the front of the stage to throw flower petals on everyone.   Swami sang Amma Amma Taye as the crowd walked past.  When the procession finished, Amma stepped back and gazed out at her children.   Two years back during the Seattle retreat, someone asked Amma what she was seeing when she stood there looking at everyone.  Amma replied that she was feeling the love and adoration and bliss that everyone was radiating towards her and was reflecting it back at each and everyone of us.

Amma Amma Taye continued for quite some time before the curtains finally closed.  Closing prayers.  Amma coming out.  Smiling and blowing kisses to everyone, Amma headed out of the hall.   Someone called out ‘Mata Rani Ki…….’ and of course everyone shouted ‘Jai!’. This happened a number of times.   Then, as Amma left the hall and got into her car. a peaceful chant of Amba Bhavani Jaya Jagadambe began.  It was so soft and sweet and reverent.  A few more Mata Rani’s (punctuated by shouts of ‘Jai’ coming from as far as the Mandapam – about 3 football fields away).  The crowd stretched all the way down the hill and probably past the kitchen tent as Amma’s drove off.  Amma will hopefully rest before flying off to Ann Arbor.

Off to rest.  For some, it’s time to pack and prepare to head to the airport to join Amma in Michigan.  For others, it’s time to reflect.   And to hold on to the special jewels that Amma has given us these past 6 days here in San Ramon.   For this child, the time went by surprisingly slow – and wonderful.  Each day was different.  And each day brought a different jewel.  Some rough, some smooth, some glistening with such delight.   While it will be six months before Amma’s next visit to San Ramon, these jewels will be kept in my heart along with all the others she has given me over the years.

We are truly blessed to have Amma in our lives.

Sri Pati

Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. Yes, we are truly blessed to have AMMA in our lives.
    Before knowing about AMMA it was my opinion that the Gopis in vrindavan were the only most blessed ones to have their days with the
    incarnation of divine. Now once again the Love incarnation appreared on earth in the form of Jagadamba.

    Jai jai Janani jai ho teri……
    jai ma jai ma jai ma jai maa……………..

  2. Mata Rani Ki Jai ……. Mata Rani Ki Jai ..

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