26 Nov 2008 Question

Q95: Who came first?

Question 95:
“What is your answer for this classical one: Who came first the egg or the chicken?”
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  1. neither / but if one wants to be technical egg

  2. According to the teachings of my beloved AMMA I am to realize that all are one. we all are a part of the creator, if we see with our internal eyes we will see that we all are different parts of the parmatama. For example there is a gold bar and the gold smith makes different ornaments from it but the source of all the ornaments is same. so who came first stands null and void.

  3. On a lighter note, which ever you order first comes first. But honestly the question is too complicated and I feel that it is the egg and God created this first Egg !

  4. I’d go for the chicken! And here is my explanation: Scientifically it is said that all forms of life on Earth started in the oceans. It was first primitive simplified forms of life that became more complex and diversified over centuries… They first multiplied in simple ways like molecules and later in the ways that are known now, one of which is the egg… so, the first egg was produced and laid by a ‘chicken in evolution’… Most important of course is that all this was/is possible by the energy provided by the Creator of All, since the beginning of times!

  5. The Creation and Creator are beginingless and endless, the two parallel lines that never meet each other. No one can possibly say whether, the Egg or the hen came first. But logically one can have the two possible answers based on various assumptions.

  6. This Question indirectly praise the almighty of God. According to me, answer for this q’n is “God only knows”.
    Human beings are trying to conquer the moon, sun etc…but they dont know the answer for this silly question.

  7. I don’t know. But will try to ask God (Amma) when i talk to her about this!

  8. Depends. One day, long long ago, someone pointed at either an ‘egg’ or a ‘chicken’ and said ‘egg’ or ‘chicken’. Whichever was pointed to first – that’s the answer!

  9. The egg. If you say chicken it is impossible for there to be a beginning to the sequence (because all chickens come from eggs). But a chicken egg could have originally come from an ancestor to the modern chicken. This question could not be answered before we understood evolution. Biological evolution doesn’t explain everything (specifically, it cannot explain the interior – explain consciousness which is the most important realm).

  10. The Mother HEN, aadi-parashakthi, never had a beginning nor an end.

  11. This is a typical question being debated for long and still waits for a firm conclusion. There are mysteries around us which cannot be answered by normal human intellect. Only our beloved Amma can answer. Amma Sharanam.

  12. i don’t know, but if you are asking about an egg from which the chicken came then obviously egg came first 🙂 ….but i believe only the physical form changes and there is something always permanent…ie. the soul…and the secrets of this universe are unknown to me…i am not anybody to answer this question…

  13. Egg !!!!!!!

  14. I have heard Amma explaining about this as follows:-
    There is an an eternal truth in this world. To understand this truth and accept this reality we should be humble. The heart should understand that there are umpteen things which cannot be expalined through mere reason.

    So I feel it was the Egg which came first.

  15. It would be the egg and due to several mutations an egg of a closely related bird gave rise to a chicken. But I believe God orchestrated this event because the correct number of mutations would be required and it could not have just been chance or a random event that led to this evolution.

  16. Chicken probably! Thinking of ‘Manu & Shatrupa’ or the Adam & Eve story, they were created by God and then they created children & nations. So probably the chicken was also created before the egg. God can do anything anytime and in any order, and we should strive to tune in with God (Amma) internally first, and then we’ll know the truth.

  17. i feel the creation had the creatures formed first and then the reproduction happened.. so maybe the chicken came first?

  18. I am confused about this, what to say.This is a funny and challenging question to those who believe in evolution.The egg certainly will not come before the chicken, the chicken will also not come before the egg. But I’d go for the chicken. Donno if i am right. “Oh Amma give us the answer, you are the creater.”

  19. The egg of course .

  20. First came AMMA and she created both, and then both came up!

  21. The chicken came first. The Mother/energy/lifeforce gives birth to an egg – which has no life force (I think) until it is fertilised. And the energy can take any form the universe wants it to – a human or a chicken.

  22. We need not be distrubed by the mere illusion. Be peaceful.

  23. Seems more interesting to me if Amma made the chicken first. If there was an egg, then there would have to be a chicken anyways to sit on it and make it hatch. So, the chicken can exist without the egg, but the egg cannot hatch without the chicken.

  24. This is very thoughtfull and confusing question. I often wander inside and outside for the answer. According to Darwin, it is through the evolutionary process that the bird developed in to the full form of a hen. In this case the chicken came first. But those who have the knowldege that the whole creation in the world is nothing but God, if one can see a whole chicken in an Egg there will not be any question. In the seed of a mango tree a big mango tree is there in an unmanifest form…

  25. The egg came first because I think it evolved from something else due to the way we trash mother nature.There must have been some kind of bird who ate all the trash and polution that we human beings threw upon the earth. Then, it laid some eggs and what came out of it is what we call chicken…:)

  26. Vedanta says that the seed is the cause of the tree.yet the tree is the cause of the seed.it can not be said which came first.this world is relative.each statement has a counter statement.

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