21 Jul 2008 WithAmma

Value of Mahatmas

17 Jun 2008, Los Angeles

Om Amriteswaryai Namaha,

Amma and all of us are in Los Angeles and programmes are going on very well.

The number of people is increasing every year and because of that there is no time for Amma to rest.

Many Amma devotees are worried about the recent agitations against the Ashram.
Many are sending letters to Amma.
Amma says, children, our Ashram has the foundation of Satya and Dharma. Nobody can destroy it. Growth of this institution is because of sacrifice. Love, sacrifice and patience that is what  people should have in this modern world. We should give our own contribution to this world to remove suffering. Agitation can not remove human problems. It can not remove the pain of sufferings of human life.

During the times of Krishna, Christ and Budha this kind of people who tried to insult them were there. There were big agitations against them. But nobody could stop the growth of spirituality. That was what we have experienced so far.

Instead of poisoning the mind of the people, the agitators should learn the lessons of love. Only that can solve the problems of human life.

When this world is going to understand the value of the divine presence of Mahatmas? Whenever Mahatmas were in a body, the world tried to give them maximum insult and pain.
But Mahatmas never stop showering their blessings.

It is out of compassion alone that God comes down into our midst in the form of the Guru. Amma has incarnated as the embodiment of sacrifice. She is ready to suffer and take upon herself the entire burden of the world’s sins. Tormenting her own body and burning herself up, she is spreading the fragrance of love.

Seeing this we can also try to do whatever we can do to help Amma’s humanitarian activities.

Our unity is very important. Love and unity can break all obstacles.

Praying for all of you,

With lots of love and prayer,
Swami Purnamritananda.

Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. It’s very true Swamiji, out of ignorance people do not recognise the true nature of Mahatmas and they are still waiting for a Krishna/Jesus to descend on earth and many do not know that a Krishna or Jesus is already amongst us in the form of our beloved Amma. Only true avatar like Amma can bring about a vast change in the mindset of all those who might not understand who she is.

  2. Of late I saw two mentions of Amma in the media which made me very happy. One was in an article on Sabrimalai – they said everything was wrong in the way things were happening at the event, with the exception was the medical help run by Mata Amritanandamayi Math. Another article was after a Sikh riot in Mumbai. A professor from Khalsa college said in his interview that a saint should operate like Mata Amritanandamayi Ma does – help and not create controversies.

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