14 May 2009 Question

Q118: Amma for you?

Question 118:
“In your personal relation with Amma, how do you perceive her? Do you see her more as a Mother, a Guru, a friend… ? ”
Please think well before you answer, and please make your answer brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines) and clear.

Join the conversation! 38 Comments

  1. I see Amma as my mother and I mentally converse with her as if she were my own mother.But that is the truth , isn’t it?

  2. I see her as My Divine Mother, who was with me throughout ‘all my’ lives, guiding me when i’m going wrong,
    And as somebody correctly said, ‘Mother is child’s first guru’, and in this case, ONLY Guru…!
    And for a child, the mother is the World, he/she knows nothing except mother, so a Friend too in that case…!
    She easily falls into all the options you gave in the question. 🙂

  3. Before She frees us from the hands of demons (in and out), SHe lets us know the importance of having been born and the need to realize God (in and out) …

  4. AMMA is all in all to me. I am nothing without her, I have no existence without her shelter. I always hide in her bossom

  5. Amma is simply EVERYTHING to me… i can’t describe the relationship… it’s a WHOLE thing,,, i can’t put words or titles or functions for it.
    She is what I deeply need and always needed…

  6. She is Everything, the Source, the Light, the Love that created this world & all the others…

  7. she is my Mother, so she is my best Friend.


  9. I see Her as our own potential, as the ideal I am striving for. She is what I can become if I continue in the spiritual life. She shows that it is possible to be free from all our many faults, and become and embodiment of divinity.

  10. I see her as my guiding star and my loving mother! I see her as the most beauthiful and graceful human being i have ever seen. She is my inspiration, my highest love.


  12. I see Amma as my Divine Mother, my Guru, my Best Best BEST Friend, and as my God…Amma is special in her own way to every of her devotees around the globe.
    Thanks you Amma for incarnating in this world…we brothers and sisters are grateful to you 🙂


  14. Jyothi swaroopini, Shakthi swaroopini, Atma swaroopini..nanna Sadguru…

  15. I see Amma as my Supreme Guru, the Divine Mother, and the Divine Friend since my mind is so very occupied with loving thoughts of Amma.

  16. AMMA is everything to me. When I am excited and happy then I see her as my mother so as to show my childlike happiness to her. When I have tasks (spiritual and non-spiritual) at hand where I need some guidance then I look AMMA as GURU. And finally, when I need to share my thoughts & views then I see AMMA as my friend.

  17. For me Amma is Everything, Maatha,Pitha,Guru, Daivam-my soulmate. I am HER Kochumolu pleading for Her Guidance on each step with a prayer not to leave me unattended…

  18. twameva matha cha pitha twameva
    twameva bandhu:scha sakha twameva
    🙂 Amma is the chiding Guru when i do wrong, the unconditionally loving Mother when i cry, and the Best Friend to share thoughts when i am happy..

  19. Amma is my Satguru. She is everything in my life

  20. Amma is the whole universe and she is my mother.

  21. Amma is Everything to me. She is my Satguru, my Mother, my Friend, even my Doctor! She is my inspiration & constant reminder of the Divine Self which we all are. And these are all just human words which cannot describe the Divine adequately!

  22. I view AMMA as both mother and Guru.When we are kids mother has answers to all our questions.When we grow older we have all the answers to our mothers questions.AMMA as mother has answers to all questions as Guru when i think i have all the answers AMMA changes all the questions.

  23. Amma is Everything to me. When i cry, seeing her loving face, she consoles me. When i am looking for advice, she is my Guru and guide. When i need to share my feelings and thoughts, i sit in front of her picture and talk to her, she is my friend who listens. She takes care of her children in whatever way they see Her.

  24. my Mother

  25. In the stand point of a disciple, Guru is everything. So when i am in the disciple bhava, Amma is like this to me. But when i am in the meditative mood, Amma is ‘Sathya’(Ultimate Truth) to me. And in my extreem devotional mood, Amma is my most beloved Lord, and when i am hearing the words of some great and wise spiritual sage, Amma is like none other than my own Pure self. And in the day to day wordly life Amma is my own mother, father, friend, sister every thing. These various levels are happening to me everyday.

  26. Amma is my Divine Mother. She is God for me. She is my life.

  27. Everything. Amma Sharanam.

  28. i like amma very much,i try to relate to her in many ways, and the best way is to be like her child. But in All these relationships the depth is missing from my side.

  29. Amma is everything, She is my God, my friend, every possible relationship.

  30. What relationship label can you attribute to one who is the essence of everything Divine and showering all with Her compassion? The closest would be that in Amma’s form I see my divine Mother and Guru.

  31. I see, feel, and know Amma is God, the Divine Mother. She is the most powerful energy in the cosmos, which is love, that brings all things into being. She is love, pure love, and my Mother.

  32. I perceive Amma as the Divine Mother, the omniscient Brahman. But, Amma is my Guru and comes before any God or being.

  33. I perceive Amma as My Divine Mother, She is My Guru, My God,My everything… Without her I am nothing… I love you AMMA…..

  34. I see Amma as safety. When I am weary and feel like giving up, someone whose feet I can collapse at, and be held softly, in comfort. Someone I know can always understand any problem I have and response with compassion. Someone who will be firm with me when I need it, but not hard. A combination of the best in my biological parents, but without being on either extreme, as they were. Someone, who I can stop myself in any situation and think, “What would Amma do?” and know I’ll find an answer that pleases me.

  35. AMMA is all to me. she is my mother, my guru, my all. she is my strength. amma ties a safety thread for the whole world. i have only seen amma 2 times. the 2nd time was at amritapuri ashram. to be frank i werent a great devotee of amma till then. i always had half mind of beleiving amma or not. but my visit to Amritapuri was the most precious thing in my life, and i became a more close devotee.

  36. when i am sad and in misery She holds me close to Her heart with the infinite tenderness of a mother, other times She becomes a very strict master making me grow even when i scream i cant bear this. with each such lesson i learn that i can go forward because Amma is with me every moment, watching all my thoughts and all my steps – a Guru and a Mother.

  37. Like i can see for so many children, for me too Amma is everything. Amma is my Mother first to whom i can say my every feeling, i can love Her. i have complete right on Her. nobody in this world can love me the way i am as She does unconditionally. Amma is then my Guru, extremely precise and watchful of my every action. In Her life is Her teaching, silent and yet so powerful. One look from Amma can expose every single flaw in me and make me feel like a worm and the same eyes can encourage me on more than any force on earth. Amma is my God and my life and slowly but steadily i am definitely one step closer to merging into Her and that is the goal of this life.

  38. amma is the soul mate and the essence of my life.
    without her i go insane.only she loves us unconditionally. for me she is a friend and guru,the jagajjanani to whom iam answerable for everything i do.

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