20 Jan 2008, Bhavani While waiting for Amma to arrive at the Bhavani river, many of the brahmacharis started sharing stories of their experiences with Amma from the old days. I heard one amazing story, and would like to share it with everyone. One brahmachari has been with Amma for a long time, more than […]

20 jan, bhavani, bharata yatra 2008 on the way to pondicherry we stopped at bhavani river. bhavani opens a flood-gate of fond memories. bhavani is a fascinating place. this is where amma started swimming with the children who travel with her during indian tours. during the yatras ‘bhavani stop’ was an unavoidable one. amma used […]

As Amma moves to Pondicherry tomorrow, and continues to give darshan to yet another 50000 or so people, sacrificing Herself as usual, I remembered what Sri Aurobindo, the sage of Pondicherry had to say of the Divine Mother. Did He forsee that one day , the Divine Mother he writes so passionately about, would actually […]

20 jan, covai, bharata yatra 2008 it was the badugas again who rocked the last sessions on both days in covai. they sang for 3-4 hours non stop. different sets of people danced in front of amma, below the stage. amongst them was one particular lady who sang on top of her voice, with closed […]

19 Jan, Coimbatore — Bharata Yatra Today Amma led the sani puja. The first part starts 6:30 p.m., with a talk by a brahmachari. At 7:30 or so, Amma came down to lead the puja. At about 9:00, Amma was ready to lead the bhajans, before concluding the last part. At this time, she said, […]

 19 jan, covai — bharata yatra 2008all the time pujas led by amma are very powerful — pujas led by god herself. when you think about it, wow!….. it’s a totally different feeling. and todays sani puja in covai was no exceptional. the bhajans amma sang were all very powerful fast ones. it was so powerful […]

20 Jan 2008 I am writing with my still-yellowed turmeric-stained hands as evidence of my participation in the Rahu Puja this morning. And I have learned that when one waits for breakfast and arrives late for one’s veggie chopping seva, one has a greater chance of receiving the dullest knife, the largest cabbage, and a […]

18 jan 2008, covai In the evening when amma was talking there were lots of noises. sounds of people talking and talking. she finished her talk started meditation. amma asked every one to keep silence. because they were all trying to jump into the darshan queue. but it would take another one hour to start […]

18 Jan 2008, Covai It’s that time of year again.  the time when new bhajans flow forth. Lyrics are penned and new melodies are composed for the upcoming tours.  For many, they will become the defining sounds of 2008. The two evenings before the South Indian Tour, after dinner, Amma headed to the stage in […]