20 Jan 2008 WithAmma

jai jai kar

 19 jan, covai — bharata yatra 2008all the time pujas led by amma are very powerful — pujas led by god herself. when you think about it, wow!….. it’s a totally different feeling. and todays sani puja in covai was no exceptional. the bhajans amma sang were all very powerful fast ones. it was so powerful that in the gap of the second and third song, one of the devotees from the west stood up and called out ‘mata rani ki’ and the devotees responded ‘jai’. he repeated again and again. amma looked at him and smiled – ‘ mata rani ne kripa barsayi- mata rani showered her grace.’ after the 2nd next song, amma sang ‘mata rani.’ when amma called out “mata rani ki” the whole crowd joyously responded with “jai”.you could see many devotees including children, young and old dancing with the tune. singing with god is altogether a totally different …dhyanamrita

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  1. Blessed Amma proves over and over with every blessed second ticking of her stay in this world that everything done is for her children.
    Blessed Amma has no need to sing any certain bhajan, it is only for the children the she does what she does.
    Imagine, long after you are tired of repeating a certain thing you still do it again, when called on, with the same new, amazing energy, because you Love everything.
    Notice now Bhajans are being created by Amma that recently are on the level of “world hits.”
    People from all walks of life and spiritual temperament from all over the world are arriving into her arms. Blessed Amma has something for Everybody.

  2. blessed are those souls who get to see and sing with ammachi…..
    blog updates seem to pierce the heart like thorns…..missing matarani badly…..this separation is unbearable….how i wish the waiting would end soon…

  3. Really blessed are the souls who are listening to her in person. I am just waiting for March to come and lo My darling AMMA would be there in Delhi from 10 -15 March and I would be fortunate to see her, touch her, listen to her melodious voice. I am waiting for March I think that this year February should be skipped!

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