As i travelled homeward, ie to Amritapuri, from Mangalore, once again tried to take a look at Amma’s Indian tour from yet another perspective… How does a drop out from the tour feel? The previous day, even as the program ended around 3-30 am, with five groups performing padapuja to Sadguru Amma, and Amma’s mellifluous […]

As the North Indian tour per say came to an end, long drives ended. So did lunch or chai stops with Amma. It was time for Amma to ask us this most pertinent question. What kind of a tour/pilgrimage was it? Was it a pilgrimage at all? What lesson did each one of us learn […]

On the tour, among other things Amma posed before us two questions, on two different occasions. At a lunch stop before Vishakhapatnam  Amma asked, “Children, do you want to be terrestrial birds or birds in the free air?” Those days the drives were longer than time of stay in a place. Over two days’ drive […]

With Amma it is always like this. There are surprises after surprises and yet something basic doesn’t change even with two sets of scores of years. For Ex. Amma’s darshan has been just in the same manner as years ago. However this year on tour Amma added several new surprises. One of them was flight […]

11 Feb 2013, ABC in Mangalore: During Her last visit Amma launched Amalabharatam project  for Mangalore. Mangalore devotees and Amrita Vidyalayam school children  have taken it to their heart as greatest Prasad and are earnestly pursuing it, on regular monthly basis. While on this extensive Indian tour  Amma’s ashram children, mostly western children, have made […]

As i travel with Amma and the caravan, things look one a certain way. When i took a short break after Mysore program and went to see them all off, it felt so totally different. In the former case, i was flowing down a torrent, headed by Amma, driving in a packed bus 700 kms […]

For years now Amma is repeating over and over again a certain precept. “The Creation and the Created are not two but one.” Amma insists on our seeing everything without exception as divine. While She took Her 700 children on the Indian tour, Amma never missed an opportunity to remind and demonstrate this Sanatana Satya […]

On this Yatra, like any other yatra with Amma, there is so much to write: but even before one settles down to record one event another will have started. How can one afford to miss the present! And, when the present is so intense who would want to go back in time! Somehow today I […]

For the first time on a North Indian tour, Amma flew one leg of the trip in order to reach Delhi in time to inaugurate the celebration of Vivekananda’s 150th birth anniversary.  Those of the tour group who wanted and were able, were given the option to fly with Amma.  Many seized this once in […]