The 3 day Toronto retreat started this evening. Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri and Amma and gave satsangs. Bhajans from today * Jai Ganesa Jai * Giridhar He * Muralikayiloru Ganamundo * Om Devi Ma – Chant Du Silence (French) * Kanne Imai Kappatupol * Om Namah Shivaya * Pagalaina Reyaina * Ma Tere Carano Me Jo […]

The other day, at the end of the Question and Answer session at the Boston Area Retreat, we were all treated to a special satsang during which we were told a few stories about Rama and Sita from the Ramayana. It was sweet and innocent. Each word was filled with wisdom and introspective thought. And […]

Dear children of Amma, The homepage is up and running with fresh look and feel. We had some problems in the upgrade. With Amma’s grace all went very well. We still have to fix small things here and there. let us know if you also come across any. Your comments are most welcome! Thanks for […]

Question 168: “How do you normally react if a person you are waiting for gets really late?” Please make your answer clear and brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

Manhattan, New York: The Manhattan Center has excellent acoustics and all the bhajans performed/played during Amma’s programs sounded very vibrant. On July 5, 2010, Amma sang the following bhajans – they were a treat for the ears: * Sri Gananayaka * Giridhar He * Muralikayiloru Ganamundo * Dayagala Ma Amma * Hariyuva Nadiya … Hara […]

Well, actually, Devi Bhava is really Tuesday. But from the size of the crowd that had come to see Amma on the first program day, it certainly felt like it was. It’s not surprising given that the program was on a Sunday which happened to be the 4th of July. The combination made for two […]